When all is said and done it’s how you’ve chosen to live your life that matters. Did you do it with open heart, with spirit out front guiding you? Did you make decisions based on your heart’s knowing? Did you let yourself explore other realms of possibility? Did you acquiesce to life’s teachings, to the universe in its many ways of showing you the way? Life is not just meant to be plodded through but to be accepted, explored, and fully experienced. You are being guided right now, being shown what’s next, prompted to go in a new direction. Are you ready? Listen to your heart. It knows what to do and how to do it. Be patient with yourself, with others, and with life itself as it leads you to fulfillment. Trust that you will be fulfilled in this lifetime. Let life unfold in that direction as you willingly follow it toward fulfillment. And enjoy the journey. That too is part of life!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne