Greetings to all whose physical lives were sacrificed,

On the battlefields of Earth in all times past and present.
To those who have yet to become aware of their changed life status,
Caught still in the PTSD of battlefield trauma,
Be awakened now by the thoughts and prayers of your earthly Brethren.
Look around at the oft relived scenes of your prior battles;
Notice they are no longer substantial.
Notice the luminous transparency of your Spirit body.
Yes you have died and yes you live.
Turn your gaze upward to the loving faces, the welcoming arms,
Of those family, friends and comrades who predeceased you.
Join them in your new lightness of being.
Sending love and good cheer from this dimension to yours,
Let us remain connected in Spirit even across this denser divide,
In time we will all fully unite.

Chuck Ketchel, LCSW
May 31, 2021

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