– Photo by Jan Ketchel
Here is a channeled audio message from Jan and Jeanne, back on schedule after a two week respite. Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year!
As a New Year begins, call a ceasefire on the inner battles, the outer turmoils, the unrelenting pounding of the old thoughts, the persistent waging of war against the self. Turn your cheek and walk toward the quiet contemplative life on the other side of the moon where only peace rages and the only fight is to find enough quiet time so that you may practice sitting in stillness with empty mind and quiet heart, with the intention of becoming a being at one with all things, within and without. In quiet contemplation, walk anew in the sun’s light and make peace at every step. You can do it, for the path of peace begins within!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne