-Photo by Jan Ketchel
Here is this week’s audio channeled message, posted today, Tuesday, due to yesterday being Labor Day. May it be helpful and guiding as you take another step along on your journey of change.
Have a nice week!
In groundedness find the stability you seek. First in planting your feet firmly upon the ground. Then in inner groundedness as you pull the magnetic energy of Mother Earth up into your body, her solidity becoming yours. In staying connected to Mother Earth throughout the day, as you walk upon her body, find your own body steady and at peace, for her strength is your strength, her calmness your calmness. Remind yourself often that you are her child, one with all that she is. That is where your groundedness lies waiting for you, at your very feet, in the magnetism of Mother Earth. Draw upon it today and every day, free for the taking, though thanks and gratitude are always welcome in return!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
Walk the path of the Middle Way, keeping neither too high nor too low. See the sky above your head, feel the earth beneath your feet. Keep yourself modest, moderate, and contained, within and without. Let the signs that come to greet you serve their purpose as you find meaning in every moment, in every step, and in every day, for the Middle Way is rich in every way. You just have to try it to know this. Travel on with a song in your head, a tune on your lips, a skip in your step, and joy in your heart.
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
P.S.: This week’s audio channeling will be posted tomorrow, Tuesday.
Having doubts already? Doubts are like donuts, full of holes! Can you just let yourself move forward because it’s finally time, because something inside you knows there is no other solution? Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and trust that you will be met with open arms, because when you are ready there is no other response. The universe is ready. Are you?
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
New moon, new approaches. Now it’s follow through time. Time to shift into action that is consistent and steady. Time to solidify and set in motion all that has been planned. Time to be fluid and accepting too, as life unfolds anew, as issues arise and are tackled, as things unfold according to new parameters. You are in charge now. The truth is, you always were. But now you know what that means and what it feels like. Grab it and go. It’s all up from here. At least until the next moon phase, the next opportunity for another new approach, for that is life. It goes up and it goes down. But you already knew that too. Today get ready to go up!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne