Soulbyte for Tuesday April 26, 2016

What are you avoiding? What are you letting just happen? Signs come, but what part of you chooses to ignore what is right in front of you? Is it time to finally wake up and do the right thing, for self and other? Innerly and outerly? There is always something that needs fixing. Time to do more than just a quick fix. It’s time to commit. A world in chaos is not a good environment but a world on the mend is good indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Worth Repeating


Some of the beauty of nature's repetition... - Photo by Chuck Ketchel
Some of the beauty of nature’s repetition…
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

We are all part of nature and just as nature repeats so do we, but what is really worth sticking with. In this week’s audio channeling Jeanne explains why some of the best lessons have been repeated for eons.

Have a great week!

Soulbyte for Sunday April 24, 2016

All beings are in a constant state of change. You may feel caught in a stagnancy but there is always something going on. Even anger or stubbornness can be part of your changing journey. Stick to your anger or stubbornness, or whatever else plagues you, until it reveals its reason for hanging around, then let it go and move on to what comes next to confuse or thwart you. Know that whatever it is is part of your process too. Before long you will be moving along at a good pace, aware of being the changing being that you truly are, aware of the self as a being in constant flux, and that alone is progress!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday April 23, 2016

Some days may feel like a slow climb up a steep mountain, the end never in sight. Other days life may feel like a speedy descent on a bicycle with no brakes. On other days life may be a steady plodding along on a straight and narrow path. And still on other days it is a joyful skip through a field of poseys. Life though, no matter what course it takes, is always singular and unique, asking for conscious decision making and wise choices,  because life is now and now is what matters.

Grand in all its trials and tribulations, life is ever-changing, no day exactly like the last, especially if you make it so. Become the changing factor in your own life. Become what you need and desire. Shift onto a different path, take a new route, and one step at a time see where it takes you. Remember, you can always shift direction again. You are in charge after all. Don’t forget it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne