Soulbyte for Tuesday March 8, 2016

Finding the Middle Way takes patience. It may not be clear at first what to take along on your journey. To eliminate too much produces hardship just as excess does. Too few burdens and the journey is unpleasant, too many and it is equally so. What goes? What stays? These are the questions to ponder as one makes the choice to live life a certain way, in spirit as much as in the reality of the world. Both matter.

Patience and fortitude are necessary as one makes choices each day, but so is it necessary to be realistic and practical so that life does not become a high-minded ideal lacking in joy. Let the energy of each day guide you on your journey as you make decisions on what is right. Ask for help maintaining balance, integrity, honesty and the means by which to carry out your wishes with grace.

The real ideals of the Middle Way are compassion and loving kindness to all of life, to everything in existence, maintaining the self as no more or less important than anything else but as one with all. Keep that in mind as you take your first steps on your journey today. And don’t forget to love yourself for taking every step you have so far taken and every step to come.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Holy Orders



We are all divine beings seeking our true divinity... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
We are all divine beings seeking our true divinity…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is this week’s audio channeling. May it bring you peace and contentment in the midst of these turbulent times. Lovingly channeled from Jeanne through Jan, and yet it comes from and through the divine of which we all are.

Soulbyte for Monday March 7, 2016

Tune into your ideal Self, the self you envision as the true self and allow this self to be more present each day. This is the deeply certain and knowing self who you have perhaps been keeping captive or have yet to get to know. This is egoless self, the self that is most honest, real, and aware. It’s the real you. Your life’s true journey is to find this self and bring it forth into life. Once that is done, the next phase of the journey is to let it lead you, an equally challenging process! Trust in this true Self is all you need to reach fulfillment, for it contains all the answers. There is nothing like it to show you the way. Ready?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Sunday March 6, 2016

What defines you? What words do you speak to yourself? Are they the words of your spirit? Begin speaking new words of kindness and gentleness at the same time that you remain intent upon change, committed to the evolutionary path that will bring you inner and outer unity. In the words you use your world is shaped, for words have as much power and energy as the sun in the day and the moon at night, revealing the truth for all to see. Define yourself with new words of truth and knowledge, expressing all that you have learned and continue to learn about the changing self. Shape a new you, sculpted by the right words ringing in the truth about who you really are, as clear as a bell, an ever changing and evolving being in an ever changing world.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday March 5, 2016

If you are intent upon change then you must be the changer. It’s as simple as that. Change comes anyway whether you intend it or not, but positive change must be instituted, tweaked, and set upon its course. Otherwise, the change that comes will be out of your control, like a tremendous thunderstorm that naturally unleashes upon the earth, falling where it may, leaving destruction in its wake.

Institute real and lasting change by your directed intent. Make some decisions and stick with them. Those decisions will one day be your best friends, the only thing that moved you forward into new life. And you will, in all honesty, be able to say that they came from you and your desire for change. Change anything with firm intent. That’s how to do it. Be the agent of change in your own life. You can do it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne