Soulbyte for Sunday January 31, 2016

Awake or asleep you dream, dream, dream. Notice how a thought manifests and becomes a dream and before you know it you are living that dream. You might suddenly decide that it’s not the right dream and so you dream a new dream, live a new dream. But do not discount anything, for all of your dreams matter. They are teaching you about life, about taking responsibility for the self and all of your dream manifestations, happy and unpleasant alike. Perhaps the dream you are in now is taking you deeper into experiencing life and the self in a new way, or perhaps it’s time for a new dream. It’s really up to you. You are in charge and you are the only one who can change your dream. Dream on. Awake or asleep, it’s what it’s all about. Life is a dream.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday January 30, 2016

Though you reside among the masses you are a solitary being seeking your own destiny. To accept that you are a solitary being is to be aware that you contain all that you need. Allow your solitariness to become your traveling cloak as you walk your path through life, not in loneliness but in contentment, knowing that your spirit is with you, guiding you each day and each night. Allow your solitariness to become the shoes upon your feet, taking you where you need to go. Allow your solitariness to speak the words that all is well in your life, that each day is a blessing and each night an opportunity to explore all that you are beyond your physical body. In truth, all beings are solitary beings. It is good to discover this, for in this knowing you advance upon your journey to wholeness, your spirit acknowledged as your true traveling companion.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 29, 2016

Find your balance in everything you do, but rather than stay guarded and secure in a sheltered life give yourself permission to explore a little too. The world is a vast and beautiful place in spite of the things you hear and experience during times of turmoil. There are always pockets of calmness offering spiritual relief. Find them in your own environment or go afar to experience something new. Have no fear; it’s all about having a new experience and enjoying the world you live in. And that is good. And have a little fun too!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 28, 2016

In the stars are the secrets to all of life, in the wind the mysteries sing, in the waters flowing are the elements of the unknown, in the earth the hidden gems of life. You reside in a world of great beauty and light but also of great fierceness and shadow, the two equally necessary. So is it with you too. Do not doubt your own beauty and power, but use them wisely and for good, for that is what you and the world need now more than ever, the beauty of the mind to take right action and the power of the senses to heal. Act with compassion. Think of good. Be a being of light and shadow in appropriate measure, beauty and power in right alignment.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 27, 2016

There is nothing so calming as the quiet stillness within. Find time to do nothing except be still in the moment, your own breath your only company, your empty mind your only goal. To be quiet in the moment is to know the Self as a particle in the Cosmic dance, solitary and yet a part of it all. Find a moment. Breathe. Be. It will do you good.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne