How you think and act matter. It is normal to have negative thoughts when confronted with turmoil and tragedy. It is normal to feel sad and depressed at the sight of violence and hatred. And yet normal negative thoughts and feelings perpetrate more negativity. Turn normal on its head by seeing nature’s destruction and mankind’s destructive tendencies as a reflection of nature’s thunderstorms, which eventually pass. What is normal and automatic in reaction may not necessarily be right action in the long run. To arrive at right action, pause and study future outcome. You will eventually know what to do.
Stay on the path of love. There are many false prophets espousing views that do not embrace love as a guiding principle. Only the path of love will bring the fruits you seek for yourself and your world. Love comes in many forms. It can be soft and light or tough and hard but its goal is the same, to bring unity. Let love guide you. It is still the answer, now and forever.
The mysteries in life will only be fully revealed in living, in daring to go beyond the mundane. Find your blessings in everyday activities and interactions, but find the answers to your mysteries, to the bigger questions no one else can really answer for you, in your explorations of consciousness and in what lies within the unconscious. For there lie the mysteries that the greatest inner explorers have dared to confront, the answers to the mysteries of the Self. How frightening and how revealing!
And what are the questions? “Who are you? Why are you there? What is the meaning of life?” Do you care to explore those mysteries? The answers lie waiting, hidden in the jewels within—mysterious indeed!
The Great Earth Mother is showing us the way… – Photo by Chuck Ketchel
There is no place to attack. There is no place to hide. The battle is everywhere. We are in the battle and the battle is within and among us. Peace is only to be found in love of all of ourselves and love of all of our neighbors.
We are drawn to the safety of bonding together and subduing the enemy “out there,” but that is an old world model. We all know that darkness lies within ourselves as well. Is this not the knowledge that we have allowed ourselves to so ignore, our true instinctual needs and our true instinctual nature? We’ve turned the animal we are into a rabid beast that now turns on us like a hungry wolf. This is the rage of the Great Earth Mother as well, who has turned her nature to level our hubris. And from the ashes of our hubris we will reshape our intent to respect all of nature.
Mother Nature is withdrawing her power from patriarchal leadership; she reassumes leadership now. And we are all her subjects and we will learn her ways. Is it not the mother and the mother alone who brings forth new life? We are now in her labors. And how we will evolve will take a great turn now too, to a new balance indeed.
Everyone is in it. Everyone can contribute. Take up the action of inner truth, and align with the truth of your own nature. Let the healing begin. As within, so without. As above, so below.
Your loving nature is your true nature. Though it may at times escape your grasp and slip away, it is the substance of which you are made. Seek always to find room for it within you, giving it a place of honor. Your loving nature deserves such attention, for it is the substance you constantly seek, that which contains your purpose and your salvation. For it is in your loving nature that you will find all you need to transform your life and send your soul on its true journey. Better to live with love than hate.