A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Your Full Potential Is Waiting For You


Let your beautiful self enter the world more fully today... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Let your beautiful self enter the world more fully today…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel


Here is this week’s channeled audio message. Can you be daring, not hold back even though you might have to face some old or new challenges?

We are asked every day to step out into the world and evolve. That’s what life is all about, evolving.


Soulbyte for Monday November 30, 2015

Kindness can rarely be overdone. Do not hesitate to find within yourself the ability to shine like the sun and the moon, to allow kindness to radiate from you, for all beings deserve kindness. A little kindness goes a long way, but the returns are far greater than you might think, for who knows but your touch of kindness might be just the thing that helps another to reignite an interest in life, to find renewed faith in mankind, to be able to once again smile and enjoy life. Spread a little kindness today. It’s free and easy, just a kind word or a smile is all it takes.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Sunday November 29, 2015

Suffering cannot be eliminated, for suffering is life. But life is also the opposite, joy. And so both must be accepted and worked with by raising awareness that a balanced life requires the two, as well as the means to travel between the two. A balanced life takes into consideration that both joy and suffering have their necessary places in the framework of living. To find the balance between the extremes is to find satisfaction with all that occurs and to be okay with the true facts of life. Find a means of understanding the whys of life and live in the balance that brings the reality of joy and suffering together in full awareness of their necessity.

– From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday November 28, 2015

To do what is right one must know what right action is, that is, that which is in accordance with nature in balance, with good in balance with evil, with all emotions in balance within the self. To achieve balance is thus the first step in being prepared to take right action. To know the self on the deepest levels, all imbalances included, and to understand how they act out and take over the self is imperative if one is to act intelligently and with compassion, to take right action on behalf of self and other. Right action comes naturally when all is understood and all is in balance. Seek balance.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday November 27, 2015

Do not keep your givings of thanks to one day a year, but keep your hearts open, your minds free, and your choices evolutionary all the time, for every day is worthy of acknowledgment. On the soul’s journey every day has equal value, meaning, and importance, this day too.

Continue to live a kind and compassionate life, resolving the problems of the world one person at a time. The choices to change and the solutions to do so lie within each one of you. You have no greater charge right now than to figure out what makes you tick and why and then to move the self a little bit closer to truly compassionate living each day. For you, and for all beings, compassion exists.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne