Lessons in Life: I Am More Than My Physical Body

Fear... it keeps us stuck... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
it keeps us stuck…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Who am I? Why am I really here, for what purpose? Where am I going?

Such questions plagued me during childhood and well into early adulthood. Turmoil within and without kept me going, focused on getting on with life, getting away and out into the world. I couldn’t wait to be on my own, taking responsibility for myself, and yet at the same time another part of me was viscerally frightened. That fear manifested in my physical body.

Most of the time I felt so dissociated from what was going on outside me, so singularly solitary, not really part of life. It wasn’t until I began exploring the deeper issues that lived inside me, like alive beings just waiting for me to find them, that some broader answers and new perspectives began to appear. As I relaxed my physical body, letting go of my fears, I gained access to so much more of the world, and beyond this world. My whole viewpoint expanded as a result. I discovered that I was so much more than my physical self.

As renowned out-of-body explorer Robert Monroe contends: You are more than your physical body. Remember this always, he says: You are more than your physical body.

Life is not all that it seems, as it appears or as we think of it. There IS so much more. We are ancient beings, living in the present, searching our pasts for clues to those questions. Who am I? Why am I really here, for what purpose? Where am I going?

To truly become a full-fledged student of Earth School we must take on characteristics of a student warrior, becoming strong in mind and body while simultaneously becoming kind and gentle beings. We learn what it means to become a warrior as we study ourselves in our lives, the past, the present, and as we face what we want our future to look like. That part is totally up to us, to carve out what we will. We have the power to do that right now. The power lies in the decisions we make every day.

A warrior takes full responsibility for the self, recognizing the self as being more than a physical body, as being a participant in life on earth to learn something. We each have something to learn during our lifetime, a singularly personal issue to figure out and resolve. Our time in Earth School, if we are to see it that way and meet the challenge of our issue, requires that we become good students, eager to learn all that we can while we are here.

At some point in our lives we are given the opportunity to wake up. In fact, wake-up calls come all the time. We will answer when we are ready. When we do, we begin to discover that, indeed, we ARE so much more than just our physical bodies. And then the real adventures in Earth School begin.

I propose that Monroe’s directive become a personal mantra. Keep saying it until it makes sense. “I am more than my physical body.” You are more than you think you are. Your thoughts may have shaped who you are now, but you have the power to reshape yourself.

Something is waiting to blossom... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Something is waiting to blossom…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Earth School isn’t such a bad place to be if you take a Warrior class, if you decide that you want to find deeper meaning and purpose, if you decide you really do want to evolve. You can be your own teacher. All you need is your determination and intent to change, and your new mantra: I am more than my physical body!

Start with that and see where it leads. You never know what you might discover about yourself as you begin to experience life outside of the physical. The door is always open to Earth School. It must be experienced to have true impact. Full participation required! You just have to decide to walk through, open up, and enjoy the lessons!

I am more than my physical body,

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