Soulbyte for Wednesday May 6, 2015

Life is full of choices. Decisions must be made each day. A warrior keeps things close at hand, stays focused and ready to shift at a moment’s notice. And so, for a warrior, it is not hard to know what to do. Choices are always in alignment with a path with heart and decisions are made quickly and decisively, also in alignment with that path of heart. If a choice is not clear or a decision must be delayed, a warrior does not act but waits for the right moment, waits for clarity, for everything to be in alignment. For a warrior knows that to be in alignment IS a path with heart.

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 5, 2015

There may be no call for drastic measures. If one is stuck, the simple process of energetic consolidation, thoughtful consideration, and a new plan may be all that is needed. Sometimes the only way to change is to be still, to stay where one is and fully take in and acknowledge the state one is in. To struggle may only sink one in deeper, while to remain contained and use awareness may lead one to a new level.

Planning for change is good, but activating change is better. All beings are capable of figuring out life. Once one has reached adulthood there is no excuse for one’s behavior. Responsibility lies with the individual to take the journey into life. And so, a responsible changing being does not blame or regret but finds instead the means to shoot forward, and sometimes the best way to do that is to simply stay put.

Message for Humanity from Jeanne: A Cure

Time to process everything through the heart center... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Time to process everything through the heart center…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is today’s channeled audio message. May it offer a new perspective and bring deeper understanding about the human condition, a mission for all of us to undertake and participate in.

Enjoy this and the daily Soulbytes, shared in harmony and bliss, from the heart.

Soulbyte for Monday May 4, 2015

Each day offers not only a new beginning but also an opportunity to turn in a new direction. A warrior knows that it is possible to turn and walk in a new direction at any moment and so a warrior is always alert to the ups and downs of life, seeking always to remain on a path with heart. Each day offers the next step on that path, full of choices and decisions. What direction is chosen is the warrior’s choice and the consequences of that choice belong to the warrior as well. Today is no exception. Choose wisely.

Soulbyte for Sunday May 3, 2015

To know the self is one of the greatest and most challenging undertakings. To really face the self in every way, in every situation and every encounter and ask the most pertinent of questions is a process more often skirted than embraced. Yet, to embrace such a process will bring rewards beyond belief. There is no greater service to others than to fully know the self so that one may be fully available to be of service to others, for what else is there to life but to know the self so that one may be cleared to return once and for all to the great oneness and to be graciously kind, compassionate, and loving to all other life. Looking for a path with heart? There you have it!