Here is Jeanne’s weekly message, channeled most humbly by Jan.
Having made the decision to change, you must hold yourself to the promise of new life. This requires attention, discipline, and commitment to a new path. In order to achieve your goals you must constantly pull yourself back to the bigger picture. Why am I here? Find that answer within. Within is all you need. There is no greater or more meaningful question or answer. All is within. And this you will only discover the truth of as you go within, turning always inward, even as you move forward into new life. The answers to all you seek lie within. I cannot stress this enough. Let that be enough. In allowing Within to be your guide, you will succeed in all your endeavors. Seek first within, seek connection to your higher self within. Then all else will naturally fall into place, and all else that you seek will be discovered, revealed, and supported as well. There is nothing as provocative and magical as what awaits within.