#633 Help is Available to Take Over the Wheel of Your Ship

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
I enjoyed working with your guidance the other day, learning to flow with what comes. I discovered that my own agenda is often based on wanting to be in control, as much as it is focused on the practical. By acquiescing to the inevitable interruptions and digressions I was able to have a fairly easily flowing day without the normal tension and stress that accompany the fact that things are not going my way. I noticed that balance comes automatically when I can accept that life may not go as I had planned and in being more open to the flow of it. I guess I get afraid of the possibility that life will overwhelm, that in acquiescence comes surrender of a sort and the feeling of being on the brink arises, of having to decide between being in command and being controlled by the commanding, demanding situations that arise and getting swept up in loss of control. This is still a question of balance but, as I allow myself to acquiesce to the flow of life, I realize more thoroughly that we are not really in control, even though we may think we are. Can you comment on this? Who is really in control of our lives?

Well, My Dear Jan, you ask quite a big question that is not easily answered by a simple statement of fact, for in each of your lives does the position shift as often as the day shifts into night; at least this is what should happen. Your journey through life guides you to experience control and no control, to experience being guided and being let loose. It allows for many experiences in order that you might begin to put together the pieces of who you are in the pure light of truth. Your journey allows for this possibility to gain clarity, even as it allows for the possibility of control and the possibility of acquiescence to other guidance.

Aside from who is in control, you see, is the greater question of whether or not you can allow your self to acquiesce to a constantly changing journey so that your own position as captain of your ship may shift to other positions, equally valuable. In allowing for your status as commander-in-chief to be usurped by another inner commander and other support, as you experience other aspects of your ship’s necessities, you afford your self new perspectives and gain new abilities that will aid you greatly on your journey. You see?

In allowing the self to acquiesce to your journey you actually learn valuable skills and gain in many areas of life so that you become a well-rounded and compassionate individual. It is not wrong to lose control, to go over to another side of the self, for to experience all that you are presented with in a lifetime is quite an experience, each acquiescence potentially leading to further growth.

If you understand life as a journey, if you can accept that there are hidden aspects of the self, and that you each have a dark side, then your fulfillment of life will be greatly aided. Yet the challenge is not only to acknowledge your many-faceted self, both light and dark, known and unknown, but to take such knowledge to new levels of depth of understanding as you progress through life.

As you speak of this, I think of myself as previously needing to be in total control of every moment of my day, of every movement almost, in an effort to remain constantly protected, though I did not know what I had to fear. I became an automaton almost, neurotically controlling and demanding allegiance to my agenda, though underneath I was constantly wondering what was wrong with me and aware that I was seeking something else. I cannot now imagine that I would even be alive if I had stayed that way. There came a point where I had to let something break down and through in order to shift out of my iron-fisted position of being in command at all costs. Is this what you are talking about?

Yes, I am talking about letting go of fears in order to find out who you truly have the potential to become.

I see, as another example in my life, my own mother who has refused all calls to go innerly, who remains brutally in control late into her eighties. I could have stayed that way myself and I feel such deep compassion for her as I observe the position she is in, holding on with such fierceness to her old agenda. How do we begin to crack the veneer and allow ourselves to find the means to shift to the true inner journey?

As you know, it takes great courage and one must be ready to take the journey. Using the analogy of the captain of the ship, I suggest the first step may be to acknowledge that you are supported, that help is available in the universe, outside of you and in your inner universe as well. Begin with learning and understanding that this is true in each of your lives, My Dear Readers. Each one of you has plenty of help to support and guide you through change. Help is available to take over the wheel of your ship should you wish to go down into the hold and study your cargo, more deeply inspecting what it is that you carry.

Begin also with allowing the self to be loved from without and from within, even though you do not clearly see or understand how this could be possible. Allow the self to be cared for tenderly by the energy that abounds. Begin with self-love and self-appreciation for your daring and bravery to begin an exploration of the inner self on many levels, previously locked and kept at bay.

Do not be afraid, because no matter where you go, no matter what you discover, help is available. Begin with that.

Thank you. Perhaps we’ll follow up on this next week.

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