Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance for us today?
My Dear Ones, keep always in mind that your trials and tribulations through life are meant for your learning and your growth. Aspects of the self that are as yet untapped must be allowed to blossom, and that will only happen as they are prodded from their complacency and their boredom.
Do not avoid, push aside, or bury the messages you receive that point out your weaknesses or your strengths. Do not attempt to thwart the direction you must go in, though you may despise or fear where life is taking you. You must encounter many and certain things in that life you lead in order to resolve issues that hold you back. Do you wish to remain constricted and denied a truly fulfilling life? I don’t think you do. But in order to truly LIVE must you be ready to do so, and that requires that you continue to confront the self with the issues that hold you back.
Are you stuck, unable to move on, depressed or afraid? Caught in some trap of your own doing? Or are you caught by the repetitive behaviors you may not even know you exhibit? Are you aware, truly aware of who you are, how you operate, and how you can change? Change is being presented to you daily, but do you accept it?
That is what the energy of now is offering all of you upon that planet. This is the time of good and lasting change, though you may perceive only negative properties of change all around you. The abrupt, brutal, and final changes taking place are positive, enlightening, and truthful changes, necessary for shift to truly happen.
Even as you observe and fear the changes taking place in the world around you, so must you begin to fathom that the shortages, the environmental and climactical changes, the political and social shifts, and most of all the human interactions taking place around you are necessary. So must you shift your attitude from negative, sorrowful, and fearful understanding to positive, enthusiastic, and accepting of the possibilities that such changes will allow for.
Do this same shift in thinking and seeing in your own lives. For now is the time of grand uncovering, opening, revealing; but best of all, the opportunity to really grow and profit in a new direction.
As the old structures fall apart and no longer hold up in this changing world, do you not also see that your own inner structures are requiring that you also allow them to crumble? As the outer world deteriorates and crumbles so will the inner world, for this is how synchronicity and energy work and affect everything. Energy is the main factor here, pushing for change, but also doing so with new positive force. It just requires your participation, acceptance, and acknowledgment of its potential in order for progress to be made.
You too can have progress on your side, simply by accepting the inevitable facts of change, and making pragmatic, reasonable decisions to change your own life and go on a new path of positive energetic growth. If your underlying energetic intent is positive, with the knowledge and awareness that you are truly on the path of good, so will your journey, your recapitulation, your trials and tribulations be guided by this intent of good.
I cannot stress enough that you are all guided. You are being shown your true paths, but you must trust what you are being shown, and you must work with us, for there is no progress without participation. And even though accepting the work of the self may not always be pleasant, so must you know that it is the right thing to do. For how can you truly be a part of life upon that Earth, if you don’t know who you are? And only in knowing the self can you know another. Only in learning to love and have compassion for the self, can you extend truthful understanding of what those feelings and emotions truly mean. Humility, honesty, goodness of heart are the aspects of the self that you seek to use, both for the self and toward others.
Observe your self in the world to discover how you now act and react to the world and the people around you. Step back and question the truth of the self. Who are you showing to the world? Your mature adult self, who has learned the truth of your life? Has that person truly emerged to live your life? And I don’t mean the mimicking adult, the one who learned what it meant to be a grownup from other grownups. I mean the true inner self; the big baby resolved and put to bed, the innocence of the inner child set free, and the trusting, accepting, loving, compassionate adult you, fully living now, pushing aside fear, and conflict, and blockages to the truths of the self and the world.
Do you flow through the waters of life? Do you push always forward, seeking new truths of the self? Do you speak your truths? Do you allow your self access to them, or do you still hide them from your self?
These are the things that this grand energy of change is asking you to confront the self with; to be brave and reduce the self to a sinner, a binger, an annoying brat, a greedy gobbler, a wanter of things, a despicable character, an annoying snob, and every other aspect that you so despise in the people around you. But most of all, reduce the self to the biggest baby you can imagine, and in so doing are you being very truthful with the self. For all have a big crying baby inside, screaming, “NO! I don’t wanna do it! No, No, No!”
Once you admit that, then half of your pre-recapitulation work is done. Then the big baby self will begin to reveal not only what it has been keeping hidden from you, but what it has so ingrained in your psyche that you don’t even notice it, nor the affect it has on you and others.
This is not easy work, but it can be done, My Dears. And keep in mind that the energy is positive, if you accept it as such. Shift your intent to acceptance of good, and bravely ask it to take you on an adventure. That’s what life is, you know, a grand adventure meant for learning about energy, the relationships of everything to everything else upon that planet, and the abilities of energy that you all truly encapsulate in your own little pocket of energy self. Keep that in mind too, you are a vibrant, alive, bundle of energy. Learn to use it!