Category Archives: News and Notes

No Message Today

Dear Readers,

We are taking a day off today, Labor Day in the US. The next message will be posted by noon EDT on Wednesday, September 9, 2009. Last week’s messages and Chuck’s blog were pretty full of interesting info and ideas, so we know there is a lot to read and ponder.

Until we meet again,
Jan and Chuck

Clarification on how the comments work…

It has come to our attention that the way the comments section works may not be quite clear. Anyone may leave comments and they will appear on the website so that an interactive dialogue may ensue. The comments are not meant to be addressed to us alone, but to whomever reads the website, although they go through our filter. To add a comment simply click on the comments link at the bottom of each post and this will take you to the comments panel on that post’s page. Write in your comment, using either a screen name or your real name if you prefer, and send it off to us. Once moderated they will be posted. I make no promises as to speedy moderation process, but I expect that most comments will appear on the website the same day they are sent to us.

I hope this answers any questions as to how the process works. In order to read comments you have to also click on the comments link on the bottom of each post to open the post and there you will be able to read what has been posted.

Thanks for keeping us abreast of these types of misunderstandings. We do hope that you will feel safe and free enough to interact with us and with each other. We have long felt that the messages should be discussed, but have not found a way that was feasible for us. Perhaps this will be it.

Jan and Chuck

Comments Open

The glitch has been fixed and access to comments is now available! We look forward to offering this opportunity for dialogue. If there are any further technical problems please let us know.

Thank you for all the nice encouragement!
Jan and Chuck

A New Look!

Dear Readers and Fellow Journeyers,

As you can see we have spiffed up the overall look of our website. We have also now opened up the daily blog for comments. We invite you to post your impressions, whether in agreement or otherwise. You must login. All posts will be monitored for content and appropriateness and may be refused at our discretion.

We continue to offer this website as a free service, unadulterated by advertising, to spiritual seekers who are deeply committed to growth and evolution. With great respect for all of you as you take your journeys we continue to publish the messages from Jeanne for your benefit on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Chuck’s Place on Saturdays. We hope you like the new format!

Thank you for reading! And thanks to our Site Admin, Nick, for all the work he has done! Today’ s message from Jeanne is posted below.

Jan and Chuck