Category Archives: News and Notes

Addendum to Jan’s Recent Blog

An important video regarding the plight of our world, directly affecting indigenous people, and all of us! Watch here and sign the petition: Keep the Oil in the Ground

As well, here is an article of exploitation of sacred Indian land in Arizona, currently stolen and tucked into the spending bill just passed by Congress for copper mining. Though we may feel powerless to forestall this exploitation of the Apache Indians who are protecting our earth, we can join with the intent to vote those who supported this out of office, particularly John McCain. By sharing these two links you can spread the word that we can change how things are done and protect the earth. Here is the link: Copper Mine

Notes for today

Look for a blog post from Jan later in the day! In the meantime today’s Soulbyte offers some helpful words of wisdom. And don’t forget to check in to Chuck’s blog published the other day and the great message from Jeanne earlier in the week. Have a great day!

On Retreat

We are taking a respite from our usual blogging routine this week. In the meantime we hope you enjoy the daily Soulbytes and the recent conversations with Jeanne and Saleph that we have been posting. More may come as we feel inspired and as spirit moves us.

Enjoying the beautiful weather,
Chuck and Jan

Daily Soulbytes Are On The Website

Our daily Soulbytes, which have been appearing exclusively on our Facebook page will now be posted on our Website as well. We understand that there are a lot of people who choose not to use Facebook. These are generally short channeled messages.

Please feel free to comment on the website, or if you use Facebook feel free to like and comment along with the active community of readers. As you wish!

Happy to be sharing what we receive,
Jan and Chuck