Soulbyte for Wednesday November 4, 2015

Is there some other reason you are where you are now, beyond the obvious, aside from family of origin, birth order, happenstance, misdirection, or fate? Why else are you where you are now? Is there anyone to blame? No, there isn’t. Only the self matters. Only the choices you make matter. For you are here of your own accord, your own intent, your own yearning for this very life. You are fully equipped with all you need, talents and challenges alike. The sooner you know yourself the sooner your journey through life can really take off. Every day is an opportunity to start off on a new phase of your journey. Take it.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 3, 2015

What do you fear the most? Does it show itself often? Or does it hide out beneath your skin, rarely seen? Converse with it. Ask it to reveal itself so that you may know your enemy. And then ask it to leave you alone. It will not be happy, but your own journey may finally become one of joy and beauty, of love and compassion, of fulfillment. A path with heart is not a fearless path, but it is a daring one, and to stay on itĀ fear has to be dealt with every day.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday November 2, 2015

It’s never too late to change, to be, to do, to try something new, to head off into a new direction. Fear fears change, and yet change does not fear fear. Change that is right fears nothing except spirit in denial. It is spirit that must come out to be part of life, to instigate and carry out change, come out to play, live, love, and experience that which it knows is so important during this lifetime. But will you let it?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Sunday November 1, 2015

Sunlight creates shadows. Moonlight lights the darkness. Who does not have both light and dark within their own nature? Knowing the light and the dark within the self is the path to reconciliation and completion, a true path of understanding and compassion. For who can know another if they do not know themselves? Until that happens all that one is or knows is reflection, and that is nought but a scam, nature at its trickiest. In the end, it is what is unrevealed at first light that is most interesting!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR