Tag Archives: inner power

Soulbyte for Monday August 28, 2017

Do it. Do what you can today to bring yourself one step closer to getting done what needs doing. What is it that you have neglected and yet can’t get out of your mind? That which is left undone steals your energy and leaves you unable and unavailable to complete your life fulfilling tasks. Complete the business life has laid out for you so you can live without regret, without the daily discomfort and nagging reminders of what you have failed to do. It’s a good day to use your power to defeat procrastination today, to catch up and do the things that need doing, to relieve yourself of your insistence on doing it your way when there may in fact be a much easier, better way. Then there will be room for other things, more energy for the pleasures in life, freedom to be at ease in the flow of everyday life, more joy for instance. Now that’s something to aim for. Take that one step today, and then another tomorrow. Just do it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne