Tag Archives: heart

Soulbyte for Monday May 8, 2017

An idea may be a good thing or a bad thing, either keeping you bound or letting you go free, leading you on a wild goose chase or leading you to a pot of gold. Sometimes an idea is just that, an idea, an insignificant thought. At other times an idea is a spark that lights a flame that brings enough light to find a way out of the darkness. How do you know if an idea is good or bad, worth pursuing or best left behind? Ask your heart. Your heart knows. Your heart’s answer will resonate through you, resoundingly, like the sound of bells ringing, shaking you to your very core. That is how the knowing heart answers—with certainty!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 15, 2017

Remain open and optimistic, for to shut down and shut out life at this point would be fatal, allowing fear and paranoia to rule. Instead keep the light on, your heart always open and ready to receive, for it is often only in being in a position to receive that giving can happen. Be of receptive heart so that you may also be of giving heart. When you learn how to receive you also learn how to give, and in the end it is far more loving to give than to receive.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 14, 2017

Remember to use your heart more often. When the mind can’t find you an answer, when there is nowhere to turn, turn to your heart, for it is ancient, connected to eternal knowing, from which you come, and its answers come from the eternal as well, from the wellspring of all knowing, from nature at its most pristine, from the depths of your soul. Seek solace there, seek beauty there, seek fortitude there, seek contentment there, seek wisdom there, seek wholeness there, and, yes, seek and find love there too, for that is its greatest attribute, for it is the organ of love and compassion. Take all that to heart because it really is true, your own heart truly holds and gives all you really need.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 10, 2017

No one can know the depths of another person’s heart or another person’s mind, but it is possible to connect deeply enough to have a sense of the depths of another being if they want to be known. The inner life is sometimes so secret that it is the only safety a person has, but the truth is that other people can be safe too. If one dares to be real, others dare to be real too. And then one deep heart finds another deep heart and then there is the possibility for real love to blossom. And then there is also the possibility to know the depths of another being and to reveal your own.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Your Heart’s Path


It's not always clear if it's truly the heart's path... - Photo by Chuck Ketchel
It’s not always clear if it’s truly the heart’s path… but look again!
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

Here is our channeled message for today and this week, reminding us all of what’s really important, no matter what’s happening outside of us.

Here’s wishing everyone a good week and remember, stay upon your path of heart!