– Photo by Jan Ketchel
Recently, Jan and I ran into an old timer from Bob Monroe’s early days of setting up The Monroe Institute and the New Land Community where we live. He was brimming with vibrant energy and enthusiasm. I happened to mention how fortunate it was that we had just averted a war abroad.
His response was that he wasn’t aware of that and he showed no interest in even knowing with whom we had averted war. He explained that since the Vietnam War he’d taken his attention off the affairs of the outside world and focused on being present to his more immediate experience. He was filled to the brim with the fullness of life afforded by his decision to take control of where he focused his attention.
The negativity of now is overwhelming and infectious. Perhaps the method of our newfound friend to completely stop the world of news from reaching his ears might seem drastic, but as Jeanne’s channeled message of yesterday suggests, we all must find protection.
Don Juan Matus suggested avoiding interaction or any behavior that draws attention as a stranger in a strange land. The I Ching gives similar guidance to The Wanderer, who must find a place to stay at an unfamiliar inn. The disintegration of social mores at the highest level each day now renders us all strangers in a strange land.
Turning inward with the unbending intent to remain positive is a powerful protection. Negativity needs the fertile soil of reaction to feed its fire. Let one’s reaction simply be to inwardly remain positive. Let the candlelight of love be shielded in the heart. Know that its time of sharing its flame with an outer torch is on the horizon. Love will win, love conquers all.
Jeanne warns of entities seen and unseen who can influence the energy of now. She encourages to call upon protective guides and high self to guide and protect in this time of vulnerability. I offer, in closing, the Gateway Affirmation developed by Bob Monroe, perhaps the most experienced multidimensional journeyer while in human form, as a prayerful request for support in such challenging times:
I am more than my physical body.
Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world.
Therefore, I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience; to Know, to Understand; to Control, to Use such greater energies and energy systems as may be beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow me.
Also, I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the understanding of those individuals whose wisdom, development, and experience are equal to or greater than my own.
I ask their guidance and protection from any influence or any source that might provide me with less than my stated desires.
Unbendingly positive,
Exactly how I feel. Thank you for the continued guidance.