New moon, new energy, new era, new beginnings, new you—if you make it so. Seeds can be planted all year long and with intent the fruits of your labors harvested repeatedly. For you are of nature and yet you also have your own nature, as powerful as Mother Nature. Your own nature may overpower you at times, but it is up to you to take back your power. You are never powerless. You are only temporarily unaware that you have any. Stir it up with the new moon energy and get it back into alignment with the seeds you are about to plant, for even though Mother Nature is heading into dormancy don’t be fooled. There is plenty of opportunity for life to grow anew. Your temporary powerlessness is about to get a big boost of energy. Grab it and run with it. New life depends on it. Wake up and get planting new seeds of new life. There is no time like now!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne