You are a changing being. Whether you know it or not you are in a constant state of flux. That’s life. If you think you are stuck, think again, for there is movement even in stasis. Look outside of you at nature’s unfolding, change happening every day. Incremental shifts happening all the time. Thoughts, on the other hand, can stagnate and that is where danger lies, in the repetition, in the replaying of old stories. Stories beg to be retold, new endings given, new characters developed, new dialogue inserted. Write yourself a new story, a new bio to keep up with the changing being that you really are. And don’t forget to leave some room for that inevitable change, for the universe may have some good ideas to add to your changing story too! Be open and available to change. It’s never too late to do a rewrite!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne