Soulbyte for Thursday September 8, 2016

One extreme leads to another, too much to too little, too full to too empty, too high to too low, too light to too dark. The Middle Way takes into consideration all extremes but stays mainly in between, neither too much nor too little. The Middle Way is just enough, though it may take some time to figure out how much is just enough. Do not be discouraged as you discover what the Middle Way means for you. You may go this way and that, up and down, fast and slow, but in the end find your own balance, find your own pace, find what suits you best so that all is in synch, innerly and outerly. That is what it means to take the Middle Way. And remember, what might seem to be the Middle Way one day may shift the next, that too is the Middle Way.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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