Soulbyte for Thursday March 24, 2016

Where there is good there is also evil. Where there is evil there is good. Where there is life there is death. It is the dual law of nature, structured for balance. So does this dualism exist inside each of you. It is the shadow self that makes you do things the light self might never do. Condemn not the shadow but know it fully, for to know the self fully is to know thine enemy. To fear the enemy is to fear the self. To fear death is to fear life. Know the self fully so that you may fully live without fear.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday March 23, 2016

It is a time to pause and contemplate, not a time to rush ahead. Use such time wisely for the good of the self and pray that it is used in similar fashion for the good of all by those in world power, for it is not a time to rush into action but to be careful about decisions made. Make wise decisions now for self and other, for chaos is too easily tipped into and chaos is never a good cause. Pray for peace.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 22, 2016

The road of life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, abrupt stops and sheer cliffs, all meaningful, taking you where you need to go, to your next step, your next challenge. A roadblock may signal not a stop but a time to pause for deeper contemplation, a time of renewal. All energy must be renewed at times, given rest and rejuvenation, even yours.

Let the road of life show you each day what it is time for. Let the signs and synchronicities in your life guide you, but be careful how you interpret them. They may not mean what you think. Take time to listen and wait for confirmation before proceeding. Use your energy wisely, keeping your state of balance always in mind.

Take what comes each day and use it to your advantage. Sometimes it’s just time to stop and turn in a new direction. Is today that day?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday March 21, 2016

Notice the questions that come at dawn. What will happen today? How will I be? Will everything go according to plan? Notice the expressions that come at night, in the darkness. What about tomorrow? What did I forget today? But what about each moment? Did you forget to pause and breathe? To smell the air? To look up at the sky?

Pause more often. Look around. See all that you have been missing. There’s so much more to life than all those questions. Use your senses today. See, smell, listen. Just be. And remember: the possibility for enlightenment lies in any moment.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne