Readers of Infinity: Find A New Groove!

Here is this week’s channeled message from Jeanne:

Jump into a new groove!
Jump into a new groove!

Relax into your life. Accept what is, yet strive always to shift the self out of complacency and inertia. Find a new groove in which to proceed as you awaken each morning.

Each day is different. Each dawn offers a new possibility for you to be a new you. Do not fall for the old rhetoric of “can’t” but seek instead new phrases of energetic inquiry. Seek always to change the self in all manner of speaking—in inner dialogue as well as in outer action. Be a new self at every opportunity.

Today is a new day. Nothing is as it was yesterday. A fresh start awaits your enacting it. A new day awaits a new self. A new self awaits the first step on its new journey. Welcome yourself to the world each morning by asking: “Who am I today?” And then begin to find out.

That is how to live in each moment. That is how to free the self of old ideas and habits. That is how to begin really living.

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