#490 Chuck’s Place: Forgiveness

Welcome to Chuck’s Place, where Chuck Ketchel expresses his thoughts, insights, and experiences!

What does it really entail to fully release another person of responsibility for one’s fate? Energetically, it involves fully claiming your own energy and investing it totally in your own journey. To fully claim your journey you must withdraw the projections, remove the distractions, and confront the fears, in order to achieve balance as a solitary being and take the adventure into the unknowable.

The shamans suggest that we erase our personal history. Ultimately, what they mean is to allow ourselves to live outside the energetic binds of a known life. This does not mean escape. There is no escape from fully knowing our personal history, with all of its energetic compromises and entanglements, if we want to fully reclaim and consolidate our energy for the journey. This is the purpose of recapitulation, to fully know everything we have experienced, to reclaim the energy encased in forgotten traumas and unmet needs. We must leave no stone unturned, facing the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, physically, cognitively, emotionally, and spiritually.

In recapitulation our bodies tell us exactly what happened. Our minds show us the fuller picture from a perspective we have never seen before, as the adult self joins our younger self in the process. Our feelings reveal our lost innocence. Our spirit shows us the meaning of the events in our life in the context of our journey; why in fact our soul chose the life it did, and what refinements were needed to continue the evolutionary journey. With a completed recapitulation we fully assume responsibility for the life we are in, and realize there is nothing to forgive.

As always, I am open to discussion or comment. Should anyone wish to write, I can be reached via email at: chuck@riverwalkerpress.com

Until we meet again,