#350 I Have Reunited With All My Past Lives

Today, Chuck asks Jeanne a question.

Dear Jeanne,
As we near completion of the paperback edition of The Book of Us with a new last chapter, Completion, which chronicles your own completion of lives in the earthbound cycle, I find myself wanting clarification of the phrase “soul group.” On a couple of occasions you have referenced your soul group as the conglomeration of your own past lives, or past selves in your various reincarnations. Is it correct to describe your completion from earth school, and unification in your energy body, as the unification of your soul group, that is the consolidation of all your past selves into your energetic essence?


My Dearest Loving Chuck, you are correct in your assumptions of the means by which a soul group is completed. But a soul group is not only a completed, consolidated, closed unit, but an alive and very active group as well.

Yes, I have reunited with all of my past lives, all the selves I once was, which included me as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, your wife and one time companion upon that Earth. As a completed energy being am I all the previous lives as well. But always was I the same energetic being you knew so well. In essence, my energetic essence as you call it, was and is unchanged, yet am I also now a complete being. You see?

Lives upon that Earth are meant for learning. With each life did I undertake new tasks, new challenges of learning in order to advance in an evolutionary manner. Each time I reincarnated did I also carry forth unresolved issues, which not only prepared me for my next life, but defined my challenges as well, enabling me to continue evolving, one life significant to the next. My essence, however, was always the same. My energy was always the same, my spirit was always the same, but my evolutionary journey taught me new things with each new life I lived.

Doing life upon that Earth is not easy, as you know. So many lives did I have to live in order to progress, advance, and eventually get the clearer message that Earth time is not eternal time, but only a learning time.

But to return to your question. As I lived my last life, as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, much of it in your presence and company, so did I begin to piece together enough clarity to gain a footing in this new world of wonder. I did reunite all my past lives. That I can be clear about. And in so doing did my energetic essence not only become complete, but it also regained total balance, total unity, and total power of self, of energetic self. In wholeness are we strongest.

Components of energy remain bound to all previous lives lived, and until unity is achieved those pockets of energy remain lost to the whole, not fully rejuvenated. Only with completion is there full rejuvenation of energy. Thus the term soul “group” best describes the reunited self, the energy self.

As my energy self was fragmented and pocketed in those previous lives, so did those portions of energy interact, and work in the world, even as they waited for me to catch up and return with my portion of the energetic whole. It is like a piece of pie, a wedge of energy that must be brought back to the whole pie. One slice was missing that I returned to the group in order to make the group whole. But meanwhile all the slices of energy remained active, even as I do now with you.

Thus I am a soul group with energy divided, yet am I also whole. Reunited do I have much more energy than as just Jeanne Marie Ketchel. I do not mean to confuse, but this is perhaps a complicated idea. Straightforwardly speaking am I still Jeanne Marie Ketchel, my own energy rejuvenated and whole, but I am still all the others too, my other energetic selves, still viable and able to interact with the Earth level, for that is our mission. So even as a whole being am I many parts. Even as you, My Dear, are a vibratory being comprised of many molecules of energy, capable of being in many places at once, simply by your intent, though you remain in your body in that world.

So do I work now; my soul group works by intent. My personal soul group is united with others who, as I have said, are also on this mission of awakening. So others are busy too, and available to offer advice and guidance to those of you upon the Earth who are aware and alert to the changes and the greater ideas of the world as unveiled, as pure energy, and as meant for much more than just your daily lives.

I see that you are ready to proceed now, and that is good for your progress upon that Earth, and the progress of the mission. Keep doing the work you do, for it guides many, even though you do not see them all. I know; I see. And the convergence of soul groups is available and actively participating. Though your own world may not anticipate such companionship, so must you know that such energy exists, even behind your own brave efforts to bring forth what you know.

So continue, My Dearest Chuck, your seeking journey, as you find your way clearing now for new growth, but also for new discoveries. And that is what you have to look forward to, the progress of self, and that is good!