#632 Life Gives You What You Need!

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Can you talk about the inner process today? Specifically, I am feeling a great desire to go much deeper into my inner work and practices, yet I find the perfect balance between Self and the demands of others and the outer world allusive. Often the best intentions seem to dissipate as reality takes over. I am thankful for the few quiet moments I am allotted, but I’m left feeling frustrated and yearning for more. I know this is a universal struggle and one that you have addressed before. Today, I ask for some guidance for all of us around our attempts and resolutions to gain a better balance between our inner worlds and our outer worlds, between our most sincere intentions to change and grow and the conflicts that arise as we wake up each day to new challenges. I would like to flow through my day without feeling resentful or like a failure for not accomplishing what I have set out to do.

My Dear Readers, this is not only a process of balance but an equal process of attachment and detachment that Jan seeks guidance on. It is not an easy task that you set your self, for I know that your world is comprised of many necessities, distractions, desires, and yearnings. I also know that part of your process must be allowing your self to have whatever experience you have each day, regardless of your desires, for only in being open to that which comes unexpectedly will you indeed learn what it means to flow in your life. Say that you set an intent for your day to be solitary and without outside interference, yet you are immediately bombarded with outer demands and the energy of others needing attention, whether people or things. This is a call to shift for the moment, to in fact flow with what is being presented to you. If you fight it you will only gain in resentful frustration. But if you allow your present intentions to take a back seat while you take the other fork in the road you will learn much more than if you had taken that solitary road. You see, life gives you what you need.

Your intent to gain balance, to grow, to further develop your inner practices, if set with pure desire, is already embedded in your psyche, and by default in the universal intent. In other words, if you are ready for such a journey you will be awarded all the opportunities and tools you need to take that journey. It just might not happen as you wish. In fact, if you look back on your life, when has anything unfolded exactly and as smoothly as you wished? Though you may prefer a seamless and calm existence, it is not usually how the universe offers you your challenges, though it has been known to comply when the occasion is right.

For instance, once your intentions are set, I recommend that you be open to what comes in your day to greet you. Push aside interruptions and conflicts by asking the self to accept that this is what you need at this very moment and, even though it is not as you had planned, accept that it is going to show you something important about the self. In this manner you are learning a vital step in the process of attachment and detachment, in what it means to set an intent and then let it go, knowing full well that it is already on its way, giving you exactly what you need. Does this make sense?

Yes, it does. Even though it is often hard to give up the desire to have it go my way, I do understand the importance of learning to flow with what comes.

In learning to flow with what awaits you each morning as you open the door to what life offers, you will find that your physical body will begin to release its expectations, tensions, and even ailments that may be present as a result of your need to control your inner world, your outer environment, and even the process of your psyche. Your best intentions must be set free, let out the door, in order for them to return to you bearing their learning tools.

So, for today, I suggest that you take this first test in learning to flow by setting your intentions within and then releasing them without, setting them free by asking the universe to hear you and to show you what you need in order to gain progress in your inner work and practices. You may be quite surprised to find that your inner work is going to be done totally outside of you one day and totally inside of you on another day. But keep in mind that no matter what appears as your lesson plan for the day that it is going to be exactly what you need at that moment.

If you can allow for such a process you will be well on the way to gaining the balance you seek. You will learn how to flow in your life. Your physical and mental bodies will begin to release their hold on old habits and your psyche will find resonance in whatever is presented to you because it will recognize that it is what is best for your growth. Can you flow with that?

Yes, I think so. It seems that if I allow myself to let go of expectations, of a mental construct of expectations, that I am often quite surprised by the outcome as regards a certain situation or process. If I allow myself to have no expectations then I am more open and end up feeling freer.

That is the process that I speak of as I invite you to set your intent free and release it from your incessant mind control. By releasing your intent you free your mind and body, without expectation, to experience the flow of your day and, ultimately, your life, in a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual way. This is what you seek, though you may not quite speak of it in such terms, but all of you seek total release from the confines of life as it had been conjured.

It is time to unconjure yourselves from such restrictions placed on you by your self, your world, your intentions, your desires, and release everything to the universal intent, already working diligently on your behalf, though you may not be seeing it in quite this way. You may be seeing the flow of your life as interruptive and challenging or frustrating when, in fact, it is perfectly in alignment with the intent of your spiritual self to grow. This is the main challenge for all of you to eventually discover: What is the intent of your spirit?

Thank you for this guidance.

May you all find the soft self inside who will allow you to trust the process of your life and, without fear, allow you to let go, allow you to face the flow of your day, accepting that it is as it should be. What are you supposed to learn today? That is your greatest challenge, even greater than your challenge to stay in balance. Get it?

Yes, I get it.

NOTE: I set a new intent for the day: I intend to keep a log of my experiences today and I will report back with a posting tomorrow morning as to what I have personally learned as I attempt to do as Jeanne suggests and release my intentions and just flow with what the day brings. It is already not as I expected!

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