I, Chuck Ketchel, aka Charles W. Ketchel, am a psychotherapist in practice since 1984, with the following certifications and trainings:
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSWR) in the state of New York, license # 031920-1. Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the Commonwealth of Virginia, license # 0904011232
- Certified therapist in EMDR since 1999 through EMDRIA
- Certified Hypnotherapist since 2007 through the National Guild of Hypnotists
- 1st degree Black Belt (1996) World Tae Kwon Do Association
- Tensegrity Practitioner: since 1995; extensive training and practice in the shamanistic magical passes taught by Carlos Castaneda under the auspices of Cleargreen.
- Yoga practitioner: 40 years of individual self-taught practice with sporadic traditional training. I have no teaching certification in Yoga.
- I Ching: 40+ years of experience using this synchronistic phenomenon, both personally and professionally. Studied the I Ching at the C. G. Jung Institute in New York City, however, I hold no certification in this methodology.
With my training and experience I am well equipped to treat a broad spectrum of problems through a variety of modalities as deemed appropriate, with the full knowledge and consent of the client.
I accept no health insurance.
Clients are expected to give 24-hour cancellation notice. Emergencies are an exception. Failure to do so will result in the expectation of payment for the reserved time.
I am located in Faber, Virginia. Sessions are conducted in person, via online platform or phone.
Please Note: Client records are available to client upon request. I keep only one set of records. Records must be provided to a court of law if subpoenaed, or to another provider per client’s written request. I will not knowingly treat anyone pursuing legal action related to the problem they present. My focus is strongly problem resolution. I cannot be involved in the adversarial process of legal claims. I advise clients to either suspend treatment until a legal issue is resolved or find another provider comfortable with working within the dual focus. I am not.