Here is the message from Jeanne and our guides in infinity this week, as well as additional tools of redeploying intent, all in nice alignment with recent blogs posted on our website:
Face forward, even as you learn from your past, from your own actions and those of others. Remind the self often that life is a journey and that every journey is an opportunity to grow. One embarks on a journey with an intent and if one is constantly resetting that intent its unfolding will occur. In some manner all of you are on a journey of growth, yet, as human beings, it is easy to forget this, and that is the bane of human existence. Keep in mind that forgetfulness holds you back while remembering leads you forward.
In treating the self with care—keeping in mind that you are on a journey of the utmost importance at all times—you will evolve. Evolution requires patience, awareness, and compassion, for the self above all, for if one achieves these things on behalf of the self one will have something to offer others and thus one will journey far. For what is a journey if not a process of involvement in life in some way?
As your life unfolds, remind the self often that you are the most important factor in your own life—you create yourself and exist in yourself. In truth, you are free to be all that you desire to be, for you hold the power within the self to change and evolve.
Decisions regarding evolution of self must be made with compassion for the self. One must learn to treat the self as one wishes others to treat the self. One must be as kind to the self as one wishes to be treated. One must be patient with the struggles that will arise as one journeys onward, aware at all times that a journey of such magnitude requires input and attention on a daily basis.

Feed the soul as you also feed the body. Be flexible, daring, and caring of all parts of the self. Learn how to release your fears. Begin with releasing fears about the self—fears that you are not worthy, capable, or daring enough, for you are all of those things and more. You are, after all, an evolving being on a journey of the utmost importance. Accept these facts.
Do not be inflated but do not either hold back. Seek balance within the self and notice how you are soon met with balance in the rest of your life, in the world outside of you as well.
Acquiesce to the truth of your life as a spiritual journey of the utmost importance, and constantly ask your spirit to guide you forward on that journey with, as stated: patience, compassion, and kindness for the self.
Do not let life overpower you, but instead overpower it by truly embracing your personal journey as one of the utmost importance, every aspect of life lived, and life as it unfolds in each moment, a valuable piece of the puzzle of self. Accept your puzzle pieces and keep building the evolving self. This is good. Without attachment to negative thoughts, ideas, and promises, accept the positive energy of this year of rebirth into your life. This too is good!
Thank you to Jeanne and all of our guides for this message. From my own experiences in struggling to evolve, I know that as we begin to respond to life as we imagine our evolved self might respond, amazing things begin to happen. Be daring, for the self now! Along the same lines, Chuck passes on the following information, a handy tool that might just be what you personally need to move into new life. He says:
In my blog, Redeploying Intent, I encouraged the use of a physical practice to shift from an ingrained definition of self generated by the mind, or what the Shamans of Ancient Mexico called the foreign installation, with its accompanying internal dialogue that incessantly holds us to a frozen definition of self. I suggest viewing a recent TED talk that speaks of physically changing a body position to shift away from that previously frozen belief about the self, an ancient shamanic practice now scientifically proven. This shamanic practice is quite simple. It involves what the shamans call stalking a new self via changing a body position. Through changing a body position, the shamans argue, there is a subtle shift of the assemblage point that translates into literally entering a different world. Notice that this shift occurs by completely bypassing the cogitations of the mind. View the TED Talk video on shifting body positions here and then try it. See what happens! -Chuck