Tag Archives: compassion

Soulbyte for Friday June 22, 2018

Keep love in your heart and kindness on your tongue for yourself as much as for others. You already know how easy it is to fall into self-despair and to find fault with yourself. Let your loving heart share its beauty within as much as you share it without. Direct yourself to speak kindly to yourself rather than repeat the old negative patter that you normally say to yourself. Change what you say to yourself today, and extend some compassion to yourself as well. You are part of the greater interconnected world and the greater interconnected world is part of you. Healing will only take place when everyone recognizes that you are all part of the whole. Begin the great healing now by starting with yourself. Let the healing begin within.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 13, 2018

Life pushes for change, but even as you focus on changing yourself, on your own goals and intentions, look outside of yourself and give a little in small kindnesses, in gestures of appreciation for what you have, forgetting for a moment what you lack. It is often only in getting out of the self that you discover that you are not so bad off after all, and that your own discomforts may be small in comparison with those of others. In this manner learn compassion and awaken your heart to its true desires to give rather than receive. A giving heart is a good heart indeed! And the funny thing is, in giving you receive!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday January 12, 2018

Be the best you can be at being yourself. And what does “being the best” entail? It entails being a kind and loving person, compassionate and open to understanding and embracing all other beings as equal. It entails being gracious and giving, eternally grateful for all that you have, all that you are, and all that you receive, even if it is not much. It entails a certain impeccability in all that you do so that you leave nothing behind for others to have to deal with as you make your way in the world. Being the best you can be entails growing up into all of these mature qualities with a mix of grace and humility, even while seeking always to be even better within the self and in the world you inhabit. Be the best you can be, always, for what else really matters? Begin small–just be kind to another person today.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 26, 2017

Let your good heart be your guide. Let it speak through you, that your words may be words of loving kindness, that your thoughts and actions be compassionate, and that your journey be one of considerable meaning. Let these inner things be your motivations, and with intent may they manifest outwardly in abundance.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne