Tag Archives: change

Soulbyte for Thursday December 27, 2018

In times of great despair turn inward, knowing that although you cannot get what is happening outside of you right you can always get what is happening inside of you right. For when all is right within, all is naturally right with the world too. When there is love within, there will be love coming from within. When there is joy within, there will be joy flowing from within. When there is calmness within, calmness radiates without. As within, so without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 26, 2018

Remain quiet, contained, and centered within the self as the year winds down, as this phase concludes. As the old dies away and the new prepares for birth, consider your own process of ending and beginning. What within you is ending? What within you seeks life? What is it time to let go of? And what is it time to bring forth into life? Sit quietly and remember that the sun sets and rises again, that the moon has its phases, just as you do. Get quiet within. Stay connected to the truth of changing nature within and without and listen to your wise self who knows you better than anyone. With eagerness and anticipation focus on new life to come. Remain positive. Even in the darkest times the potential for light and the possibility of change are just around the darkest corner. Meditate on that. Meditate on the light.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 18, 2018

No matter what occurs stay connected to spirit. This is your main responsibility as an evolving being, for how can you evolve without this connection? It is your fuel, your source of energy. It is your knowing and your loving. It is your past, your present, and your future. It is your everything, your life and force and that which connects you to the greater whole. Stay connected to knowing all this, no matter what occurs to pull you from your path of heart. Spirit first!

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 13, 2018

Change is needed. The time of excess must now be curtailed, followed by a new time of moderation. Look to nature for guidance in how to go about this. Notice how a time of abundance in nature naturally recedes into a state of containment. Containment prepares for what is to come. If you don’t prepare, you will not be ready for the natural changes to come. And keep that word in mind: natural. For what is natural will come in its right time. It is inevitable. Look to nature to guide you. Ask for signs that you are getting things right. Signs will come to guide you. Signs will naturally come to guide you on. Keep searching.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 6, 2018

Thoughts can kill. Thoughts, as illusions, as ideas, can manifest physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually; killing, maiming, destroying. Spoken repeatedly, they become beliefs, hard facts, known truths. But what if they were wrong to begin with, untrue words that found a home in your mind and body, festering, making you sick, tired, believing yourself to be this or that, actually changing how you look on the outside and poisoning you on the inside? Wrong thoughts are dangerous! The only antidote? New thoughts!

Do psychic surgery. Excise old thoughts, illusions, ideas and let in some fresh new positive thoughts. Spoken repeatedly, these new positive thoughts can manifest as easily as the old once did. Trust the power of the human mind and spirit to heal itself in the power of thought. That is no illusion! You’ve already proven it to yourself in the power of negativity. Now prove it in the power of positivity. All things CAN change. Make every thought a healing thought and every breath a healing breath.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne