All posts by Jan

#353 Recapitulated Energy Belongs to You

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have more guidance and advice for us today?

Yes, I do. Be aware that as you do your recapitulation so will old habits, comforts, and desires attempt to circumvent the progress you inevitably will make by capturing your energy. There will be attempts made on the energy you free during recapitulation, to steal it from you. But this freed energy is meant for you and should not be allowed to float out of you and into another, whether friend or foe, comfort or discomfort, resonance or not. Recapitulated energy belongs to you!

Remain aware that as a result of recapitulation will you be releasing an increment of your spirit self, a fragment that has long been held in captivity. It has remained lost in the past, perhaps uncomfortably so, in a place of negation or deep uncertainty. But now during recapitulation will you perceive the truth of its captivity and release it from the old binds that have held it back from progressing with you in life. As that energetic particle of self is revealed and subsequently allowed release from the past, so must you recapture it for use now, allowing it a place in your true spirit self, with intent for its mergence in your energy pool.

Avoid falling into rewarding the self in an old fashion for the work of recapitulation that you do. Instead focus on the next moment of recall and subsequent release. As you do your recapitulation work, so will you discover the rhythm and pattern of your own process. Not everyone will have memories or bodily sensations daily. But some of you may experience a bombardment, an intensity that will taper off for a period until the next bombardment comes. Others will have sustained intense release of memory. Whatever process your body and spirit present you with, so must you accept it as your recapitulation procedure.

Do not attempt to force, curtail, or conduct what is not naturally occurring. Do not attempt to create a recapitulation that is not true or ready for recall. Your body, your environment, your psyche, and the worlds you inhabit will offer triggers enough. Your dream world is one of these worlds I speak of. Your daily life is made up of many worlds too, and these worlds must be accepted and respected for the information they offer you.

Learn to interpret how your own worlds work with you. Your experiences will not be as another’s, but your experiences will only be succinctly apparent to you as you begin to understand how your recapitulation is going to be laid out and conducted. Let it happen, but be ready to take back your energy as it is released, without losing it again to some other greedy force. Such greedy forces are present at all times. They may be in the form of old habits, laziness, or simply as naturally occurring processes in your daily life. But you must begin to question more often how you want to use your energy.

As you recapitulate, your worlds may intersect. They may blur and confuse you, but it is up to you to remain always anchored in reality, as I spoke of yesterday. Your heart center is your number one place of anchoring. It is your place of knowing and naked truth. It is your place of self, true self, and this is where your energy must be placed, both as it is returned and as it is tugged at by outside forces.

Return awareness constantly to your heart center. This is good practice at all times and not only when recapitulating. Place intent and awareness in this central aspect of true self and anchor your thoughts and energy there. This will allow for calmness, but also clear thinking, and clear understanding of the need of the self to find a home. This is the place where your decisions must be made from, for they will be correct decisions, though you may not want to rely on them yet or listen to them. But that is part of the process of life, to make choices in how to use your energy.

As you know, whatever choices you do make are the correct ones, for they will lead you where you need to go in order to learn what you must. Do not consider choices to be wrong choices or bad choices. All choices are right, though it may take you some time to understand what I mean by this. Attempt to find the lessons being learned, the truth of self being revealed, and the guidance being offered.

As I have been teaching you about recapitulation lately, so do I offer you this final guidance today. Do not fault the self for the past. But hold the knowledge that it was perfectly right and necessary, every inch of it, every action, every activity, and every stumbling step you took, whether willingly or unwillingly. Your recapitulation will show you this process, but only if your adult self is in on it. Your adult self is the one who has the ability to explain and contend with the protests and judgments of others still resident in your psyche.

In recapitulation do you attempt to free not only your buried memories and truths, but to also release the impositions of others on your journey. These things may be judgments, critical scolding voices, teachings of conventional authorities, doctrines and proclamations that you have carried in your sinews throughout your whole life. Automatic responses may often be the most true ones, but they may also be the most ingrained false ones as well.

Continue to find your truths. Find your own true voice. Find your own true thoughts, your own true feelings, your own true beliefs. Find your true heart centered self. But most of all, know that the process of recapitulation is a process of rejuvenation, even as it is a process of breaking down the old structures that have held you in place all these years. Find your own strong structures centered in your inner heart knowing. This is the strength that will become the foundations for pure energy to build on, relying on the truth of self and the truth of your self as an energy being.

Focus on recapitulation means focus on growth. It allows for change to happen, with acceptance of the self as many-faceted and living in many worlds, acceptance of the self as able to facilitate energetic responses of truth and intent, and acceptance of the self as available to fully experience the self as energy.

So don’t you want to protect the energy self? I think you do, and I also know that as you experience your recapitulation and discover what it means to have access to more than one world at a time, so will you desire the experience of the self as pure energy more and more. Once you’ve understood what it means, there is rarely the desire to go back. But the choice to go forward must be constantly in your awareness as you do your work. Once it is flowing, so will your energy pick up the momentum and guide you more smoothly. Good luck!

#352 Your Body is Your Vehicle; Your Energy is Your Reality

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance for us today?

Do you not fathom that the world is not as your eyes perceive it, but as your knowing heart and inner eyes see it? Do you not understand that the things that you wonder about and question regarding the unseen are very legitimate and true queries of what reality is? I know that I present you with many ideas of energy and of how the inner world works, but I also know that these are the things you want validated. So I can attest to the facts of the unseen as being as equally real as the world you live in, that world of touch and taste, and sound and vision. The worlds I speak of, the parallel universes, also have the same senses of taste, smell, sound and vision, touch and feelings to enable you to know the reality of them.

Use now your inner knowing of the validity of your experiences to feed your attempts at gaining clarity. During your recapitulation work you will be confronted with those very real senses, feelings, emotions, and atmospheres of other times, other worlds, other realities. And these are your signs that you are really there, really able to transfer your awareness to other realms. Do not dismiss the reality of your trips into places of old. Learn what you can. Retain your awareness while there, pushing aside fear, the old fear and the new fear to gain a new perspective, even as you retain a foothold in the present.

During recapitulation is it essential that you retain even a thin thread of attachment to your present existence, for that is the thread by which you will return and replant your self back in now as you make your journeys into your jungles of past life and past lives.

You must prepare as an explorer does, understanding that you may encounter the unexpected, but with proper care and preparation may you not be thwarted by what you encounter. To perceive fear while venturing into another world may get you into trouble, for it can capture you in itself, keeping your awareness caught there, rather than allowing your awareness to overcome the fear so that clarity may reign. What I am asking you to do today is to go to battle against your fears. They are your biggest enemies, but also your biggest challenges and teachers as well.

Your fear is pointing out to you where you must recapitulate. So if you have been wondering how to get started on your journey into your self, go to your biggest fear and confront it. Place your self before it with awareness, rather than allowing your self to fall into its waiting arms. If you rush up to it and go right into its embrace as you have done many times so will you but remain caught by it, unable to see it clearly, but comforted in knowing that you are in a familiar place.

I suggest that you stand back and observe what all of your senses, your emotions and your physical body are feeling and doing as you observe your great fear standing before you, looming over you with it fangs dripping and its claws pulling at you. Go to your own body, go inside, and find out what is happening in there, rather than wrap up in the blanket or the net that fear attempts to throw over you.

Question your attachment to your fear. Why do you need it? Why do you resort to it over and over again? Why does it cause such anxiety and restlessness inside you? Allow your inner sensations to respond to you, while your clear head of knowing asks the right questions.

Do not allow the big baby to reach for its usual pacifier. Do not allow the inner you to run and hide either. Do not pull out the tent you carry on your back for protection, or the armor you burden your self with. Instead use your senses, use your clarity, and use the truth of your bodily responses to tell you what is going on.

Be as an explorer, an investigator. Take notes; document your reactions, your attempts to flee, your old habits, as you once again stand before your fears. Study your self. Become a scientist. You are the experiment. That is really all recapitulation is about. You are going on a scientific exploration into the self. As an observer now must you dissect the self and fully understand why you do the things you do, not questioning and answering in the old way, but questioning and answering with the new truthful way.

Question and answer now in your nakedness. Remove your old habits, your padding, your means of protection and avoidance, and present your self to your self now as a purely innocent human being, fallible, imperfect, nakedly present, wanting to really learn about who you are. Your ego is your biggest defense, and this you must learn to shed. It may take some time because an ego is something you have been taught to strengthen, but it is in fact merely blocking you from your truths.

Can you accept the fact that you are a big baby in diapers, who wants to be taken care of, fed, and tended to? Well, if you can allow your self to accept that aspect of the self, then you are well on the way to shedding that tough shell of an ego that you have been polishing and spiffing up all these years.

Remember what I have said about energy? That you are all energy? If you are but comprised of molecules of energy, then what does it matter if you are a big baby? And what does it matter if your ego is overpowering you at every turn? And what does it matter if you can’t find your way? If you can accept that you are nothing more than energy, then can you let go of all the thoughts and ideas of the self you think you must uphold too.

Energy is not simply nothing but molecules though. Once you discover your own energetic sense of self, will you understand that you are comprised of everything. But you can only have access to such knowledge of everything if you have no ego to get in the way. A big ego, including a big baby self, will sabotage your knowing of everything, and it can get you into trouble, inviting in negative aspects of the dark side, and that is not what you are seeking now.

As you work on your self, as you do your recapitulation work, please remember that what you seek is truth of the self. You seek to strip down the untruths and the props that have been so useful during your life in that one world, but are not at all viable in other worlds. You must find your trusting innocent self again, and become armed only with the knowing of what it means to be an energetic being in order to understand and navigate other worlds.

Your recapitulation work will lead you to seeing and believing what you experience as your truths. Your work in other worlds may seem unreal when you step back into your daily life, but know that it is energetically more real than the hand before your face. Use that hand to ground you as you confront your beastly fears. Look at it constantly to ground you in the reality of self, to remind you to stay in your body and to investigate your self as a scientific experiment. Use your body to guide you. For even as you are pure energy, so do you reside in that body for a reason; to learn what it means to be alive, to learn what it means to be energetically present, and to learn what it means to be an energy being capable of being in two worlds at once.

Your body is your vehicle; your energy is your reality. See where the two of them take you next. Stay with them both as they lead you into other worlds, the world of the inner self first, then later, once you have learned how to travel within the self, may you be ready to travel beyond the self.

So work on the aspects of the self that I have laid out today: the ego self and the big baby self. First accept them and understand them, utilizing them to get you where you can access your energy self, your body self, and your knowing self, all of these things based in the truth of the self. Learn who you truly are, letting go of your old ideas, notions, judgments, and captured movies of the self that you play over and over again. Break up and throw away everything you think you are and start over with nothing but your energy self. Then will your recapitulation really start. For the true energy self is fearless, brave, all-knowing, and eager to shift the journey into one of truth and exploration.

I will speak more on this again soon. Time to go now.

#351 You Too Can Have Progress On Your Side

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have guidance for us today?

My Dear Ones, keep always in mind that your trials and tribulations through life are meant for your learning and your growth. Aspects of the self that are as yet untapped must be allowed to blossom, and that will only happen as they are prodded from their complacency and their boredom.

Do not avoid, push aside, or bury the messages you receive that point out your weaknesses or your strengths. Do not attempt to thwart the direction you must go in, though you may despise or fear where life is taking you. You must encounter many and certain things in that life you lead in order to resolve issues that hold you back. Do you wish to remain constricted and denied a truly fulfilling life? I don’t think you do. But in order to truly LIVE must you be ready to do so, and that requires that you continue to confront the self with the issues that hold you back.

Are you stuck, unable to move on, depressed or afraid? Caught in some trap of your own doing? Or are you caught by the repetitive behaviors you may not even know you exhibit? Are you aware, truly aware of who you are, how you operate, and how you can change? Change is being presented to you daily, but do you accept it?

That is what the energy of now is offering all of you upon that planet. This is the time of good and lasting change, though you may perceive only negative properties of change all around you. The abrupt, brutal, and final changes taking place are positive, enlightening, and truthful changes, necessary for shift to truly happen.

Even as you observe and fear the changes taking place in the world around you, so must you begin to fathom that the shortages, the environmental and climactical changes, the political and social shifts, and most of all the human interactions taking place around you are necessary. So must you shift your attitude from negative, sorrowful, and fearful understanding to positive, enthusiastic, and accepting of the possibilities that such changes will allow for.

Do this same shift in thinking and seeing in your own lives. For now is the time of grand uncovering, opening, revealing; but best of all, the opportunity to really grow and profit in a new direction.

As the old structures fall apart and no longer hold up in this changing world, do you not also see that your own inner structures are requiring that you also allow them to crumble? As the outer world deteriorates and crumbles so will the inner world, for this is how synchronicity and energy work and affect everything. Energy is the main factor here, pushing for change, but also doing so with new positive force. It just requires your participation, acceptance, and acknowledgment of its potential in order for progress to be made.

You too can have progress on your side, simply by accepting the inevitable facts of change, and making pragmatic, reasonable decisions to change your own life and go on a new path of positive energetic growth. If your underlying energetic intent is positive, with the knowledge and awareness that you are truly on the path of good, so will your journey, your recapitulation, your trials and tribulations be guided by this intent of good.

I cannot stress enough that you are all guided. You are being shown your true paths, but you must trust what you are being shown, and you must work with us, for there is no progress without participation. And even though accepting the work of the self may not always be pleasant, so must you know that it is the right thing to do. For how can you truly be a part of life upon that Earth, if you don’t know who you are? And only in knowing the self can you know another. Only in learning to love and have compassion for the self, can you extend truthful understanding of what those feelings and emotions truly mean. Humility, honesty, goodness of heart are the aspects of the self that you seek to use, both for the self and toward others.

Observe your self in the world to discover how you now act and react to the world and the people around you. Step back and question the truth of the self. Who are you showing to the world? Your mature adult self, who has learned the truth of your life? Has that person truly emerged to live your life? And I don’t mean the mimicking adult, the one who learned what it meant to be a grownup from other grownups. I mean the true inner self; the big baby resolved and put to bed, the innocence of the inner child set free, and the trusting, accepting, loving, compassionate adult you, fully living now, pushing aside fear, and conflict, and blockages to the truths of the self and the world.

Do you flow through the waters of life? Do you push always forward, seeking new truths of the self? Do you speak your truths? Do you allow your self access to them, or do you still hide them from your self?

These are the things that this grand energy of change is asking you to confront the self with; to be brave and reduce the self to a sinner, a binger, an annoying brat, a greedy gobbler, a wanter of things, a despicable character, an annoying snob, and every other aspect that you so despise in the people around you. But most of all, reduce the self to the biggest baby you can imagine, and in so doing are you being very truthful with the self. For all have a big crying baby inside, screaming, “NO! I don’t wanna do it! No, No, No!”

Once you admit that, then half of your pre-recapitulation work is done. Then the big baby self will begin to reveal not only what it has been keeping hidden from you, but what it has so ingrained in your psyche that you don’t even notice it, nor the affect it has on you and others.

This is not easy work, but it can be done, My Dears. And keep in mind that the energy is positive, if you accept it as such. Shift your intent to acceptance of good, and bravely ask it to take you on an adventure. That’s what life is, you know, a grand adventure meant for learning about energy, the relationships of everything to everything else upon that planet, and the abilities of energy that you all truly encapsulate in your own little pocket of energy self. Keep that in mind too, you are a vibrant, alive, bundle of energy. Learn to use it!

#350 I Have Reunited With All My Past Lives

Today, Chuck asks Jeanne a question.

Dear Jeanne,
As we near completion of the paperback edition of The Book of Us with a new last chapter, Completion, which chronicles your own completion of lives in the earthbound cycle, I find myself wanting clarification of the phrase “soul group.” On a couple of occasions you have referenced your soul group as the conglomeration of your own past lives, or past selves in your various reincarnations. Is it correct to describe your completion from earth school, and unification in your energy body, as the unification of your soul group, that is the consolidation of all your past selves into your energetic essence?


My Dearest Loving Chuck, you are correct in your assumptions of the means by which a soul group is completed. But a soul group is not only a completed, consolidated, closed unit, but an alive and very active group as well.

Yes, I have reunited with all of my past lives, all the selves I once was, which included me as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, your wife and one time companion upon that Earth. As a completed energy being am I all the previous lives as well. But always was I the same energetic being you knew so well. In essence, my energetic essence as you call it, was and is unchanged, yet am I also now a complete being. You see?

Lives upon that Earth are meant for learning. With each life did I undertake new tasks, new challenges of learning in order to advance in an evolutionary manner. Each time I reincarnated did I also carry forth unresolved issues, which not only prepared me for my next life, but defined my challenges as well, enabling me to continue evolving, one life significant to the next. My essence, however, was always the same. My energy was always the same, my spirit was always the same, but my evolutionary journey taught me new things with each new life I lived.

Doing life upon that Earth is not easy, as you know. So many lives did I have to live in order to progress, advance, and eventually get the clearer message that Earth time is not eternal time, but only a learning time.

But to return to your question. As I lived my last life, as Jeanne Marie Ketchel, much of it in your presence and company, so did I begin to piece together enough clarity to gain a footing in this new world of wonder. I did reunite all my past lives. That I can be clear about. And in so doing did my energetic essence not only become complete, but it also regained total balance, total unity, and total power of self, of energetic self. In wholeness are we strongest.

Components of energy remain bound to all previous lives lived, and until unity is achieved those pockets of energy remain lost to the whole, not fully rejuvenated. Only with completion is there full rejuvenation of energy. Thus the term soul “group” best describes the reunited self, the energy self.

As my energy self was fragmented and pocketed in those previous lives, so did those portions of energy interact, and work in the world, even as they waited for me to catch up and return with my portion of the energetic whole. It is like a piece of pie, a wedge of energy that must be brought back to the whole pie. One slice was missing that I returned to the group in order to make the group whole. But meanwhile all the slices of energy remained active, even as I do now with you.

Thus I am a soul group with energy divided, yet am I also whole. Reunited do I have much more energy than as just Jeanne Marie Ketchel. I do not mean to confuse, but this is perhaps a complicated idea. Straightforwardly speaking am I still Jeanne Marie Ketchel, my own energy rejuvenated and whole, but I am still all the others too, my other energetic selves, still viable and able to interact with the Earth level, for that is our mission. So even as a whole being am I many parts. Even as you, My Dear, are a vibratory being comprised of many molecules of energy, capable of being in many places at once, simply by your intent, though you remain in your body in that world.

So do I work now; my soul group works by intent. My personal soul group is united with others who, as I have said, are also on this mission of awakening. So others are busy too, and available to offer advice and guidance to those of you upon the Earth who are aware and alert to the changes and the greater ideas of the world as unveiled, as pure energy, and as meant for much more than just your daily lives.

I see that you are ready to proceed now, and that is good for your progress upon that Earth, and the progress of the mission. Keep doing the work you do, for it guides many, even though you do not see them all. I know; I see. And the convergence of soul groups is available and actively participating. Though your own world may not anticipate such companionship, so must you know that such energy exists, even behind your own brave efforts to bring forth what you know.

So continue, My Dearest Chuck, your seeking journey, as you find your way clearing now for new growth, but also for new discoveries. And that is what you have to look forward to, the progress of self, and that is good!

#349 This is a Revealing Energy

Dear Jeanne,
Today, I would like to ask you for an update on the energy of this week. I feel a kind of surge, an excitement. Can you address this feeling?

My Dearest Jan, and all of My Readers of Infinity, this time now culminates in another beneficial flow, if you are ready to take it on, and that is what you are most likely feeling. A surge is in progress, and although these things do not happen abruptly, so do they often feel that way because your own readiness to acknowledge such energy and use it may be limited to instances of personal awareness. I would say that the best thing to do during this time of surge is to focus on positive inner intentions for opening up to the power of what such a shift has to offer.

It may offer, on a personal level, the opportunity to open a new door of awakening. But in order to open such a door do I advise centered calmness and an awareness of the opportunity to grow, by allowing your self the absolute freedom to be shown what such energy can do for you.

This involves quite a bit of acquiescence on your part, a letting go, a trusting that what I speak of will be acceptable to you and your spirit. You must be ready to say, “Okay, this is good energy and I can use it for my growth. I open myself to its guidance and its substantial support and love.” For it is a supportive, caressing, loving energy. If you can allow your self to access it, so will you find that your progress in life may become quite boosted, but also clearer, so that your future appears not so foggy or dark.

This is a revealing energy. What it reveals to each of you will be very personal; so do not expect that your experiences will be the same as someone close to you. All of you will have revealed not only what you need revealed now, but also what is best for you and for your future direction.

This energy holds both present energy and future energy. It is not related to the past, though it will certainly aid you in your recapitulation work, for it will show you the possibilities that lie ahead, awaiting your approach, as you do your recapitulation and move along on your journey.

It is a moving energy, a boosting energy, so it may push quite forcefully if you are at a place of stagnancy. It may whisk you forward equally forcefully if you are flowing and trusting of your journey. And it may catapult you if you have gotten to a place of total trust of your journey and your challenges.

Do you wish to meet this energy with stubbornness, and risk losing out on its powerful positive push, as you dig your heels in ever deeper? Or do you wish to accept the fact that your journey is wide open and full of possibilities, many of which you cannot even imagine?

So, as far as your present place, and making preparations to accept the available energy, I suggest that you get to a place of calm acceptance of your own life’s journey. Look around you, focusing on where you are now. Accept your position, your place in life as it is, in reality, without pretending that it is something else. Be honest with your self, in totality, without blinders on. Accept that this is your position.

Now, instead of trying to think your way out of it, past it, or through it, say a little prayer to the energy and ask it to guide you. You do not need to involve your brain, your books, your bank accounts, or your therapists in this prayer. You need only involve your spirit, that all-knowing and all-seeing inner you, who only wishes more access to the energy of good, in order to grow and evolve.

In full acceptance of present self, allow that trusting inner spirit self to say this prayer:

“Okay energy, take me on the next leg of my journey. Reveal to me the positive energy that is here to aid me and guide me. Show me the possibilities of my future position that I may acquiesce to this positive and powerful force. I trust this guidance. I accept this guidance. I desire this guidance. I am an energy being accepting only positive interactions that will lead me forward and give me insights, propositions for growth, and energetic intentions of the right sort, for my spiritual evolution, but also for my growth-oriented life upon the Earth.”

That is quite a long prayer, but all it really says is, “I accept, I accept, I accept. I accept my present position. I accept this guidance. I accept my future position because I know it is all meant for me. And I am ready to accept it, access it, and grow from it. In short: Bring it on!”

So My Dear Readers, if you are ready for that, then I say, you will have quite a nice few months ahead of you. I can only reinforce what I have already said, by stressing that if you are truly ready, so will this energy take you far, offering a lot of positive support, and revealing more clearly your truths, your challenges and your choices. Your job, as an evolutionary being, is to set your intent in this positive energetic direction, accept your revelations, and trust your journey.

That’s all I can say now. The biggest challenge you have this week is to truly trust your journey. Allow your inner voice to clearly speak the truth of it to you. Hear it asking you to trust it too. And then allow your life to unfold, without opposition, but with full participation on your part. In a few months you will have the opportunity to look back and say, “WOW!”