All posts by Jan

Readers of Infinity: Isn’t It Time?

Here is Jeanne’s message to us all for this week and this energetic time. May we all find the means to access the energy of now.

Energetically speaking… this is the energy of now… captured in the early morning light… - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Energetically speaking…
this is the energy of now…
captured in the early morning light…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

From a place of calmness observe your life, the life you have created as well as the life that has created you. Be honest and open to both truth and possibility so that you may fully know the self. Once the truth of life and self is accessed and accepted—once it becomes the foundations of your awareness of the self in the here and now—then new steps can be taken and progress resumed.

Energetically speaking, there has occurred volatile movement. You may see this all around you. You may hear it, see it, feel it. Maintain awareness of energetic energy separate from the solidly human self. Put aside your head, your reasoning and judging self, and simply observe this energy in the same manner that you might put aside your thinking, judging self to observe your physical life.

With the two truths of physical and energetic self acknowledged and in hand, you are now equipped to move onward into a new phase of life. In sobriety of self, fully accepting of all that you know and observe, I ask that all of you humbly take full responsibility for who you are and who you have the potential to become, i.e.: the higher self. Accepting who you are in a humble manner opens the doorway to accessing that higher potential self.

You may experience your potential as a mere idea or ideal, but keep in mind that everything is energetically possible. Keep in mind that aside from your solid human form, you are energetically comprised of everything you need to reach your fullest potential. Isn’t it finally time to embrace the energetic self and advance to a new level?

I encourage all of you to leave judgments behind—of self and others—and, as you challenge the self to move on, challenge others to do the same, knowing that by your humble example you offer the greatest means and the greatest help.

Universal energy abounds, ready to be shared equally. You alone have the potential, within your own life and your own circumstances, to utilize it in a new positive way and set a new momentum going for all others to hook into, those in your life, but all others in the world as well. A potential for a new movement is always present, but now more than ever. Even if you have no ultimate vision in sight, it is enough to begin a new trend in the direction of good. Strive always for that and you will be well on your way to solving the issues that now plague you and hold you back.

Seek the good inside you, even while you seek joy in your life. Energetically speaking, in combination of joyousness and goodness, you cannot go wrong! With those two energetic companions accompanying you through life, your outlook for a brighter future is well on the way to being fulfilled.

You are the change you seek. Without fear face your future and know that it is waiting for you, just as you wait for it, with open arms. Fuller life is there in your future, but you must head out to meet it. It cannot find you without your help, physical and energetic help alike. You must be fully present for that to occur, active and alert. In taking action, all that you wish for will become a reality. That is the secret to taking responsibility for the self: take action on your own behalf!

A Day in a Life: There’s Weird Energy Out There

Cold energy entered the room… - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Cold energy entered the room…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is an account of what happened to me last week: I’m sitting in a yoga class, in sweet pose, a comfortable meditation pose. I intend to keep my energy to myself, innerly calm and protected. I don’t want to be affected by outside energy and so I do not turn my palms up but keep them face down. I do not wish to receive from without but only to hold sacred space within.

Placing my hands palms down on my knees, in chin mudra, with thumb and forefinger together, I think about entities, that they are everywhere. I am not interested in engaging them. Within seconds of silently declaring this intent, I feel a burst of cold air sweeping past me on the right, as if a window has suddenly sprung open. Swirling around, it hovers nearby, a strange sort of mini tornado. In the next second, cold energy hovers over my right hand, as if someone has placed a cool wet hand over mine. The sensation lasts at least 30 seconds, perhaps longer.

I have time to consider that perhaps the teacher has gotten up and is walking around the room, that he is doing some kind of energy work, but even so the rush of cold air that I’m feeling seems impossible to be made by anyone walking past, and I very much doubt that his energy would feel so cold. This energy has an otherworldly feel to it. I peek at the teacher just to be sure. He is sitting calmly in front of the class, eyes closed. Obviously he has not moved. Then I think: “It’s an entity. There’s an entity in the room.” And I am certain that it has come to convey the truth of my own insinuation, that there are indeed entities everywhere. It pays to be careful.

That night I dreamed. In the beginning of the dream, I am at an art gallery opening. The room is crowded. I slowly weave my way through the crowds, avoiding contact. I do not want to engage anyone. Seamlessly, I flow like water through the room and out the door. Once outside, I’m glad that I did so well at protecting myself from outside energy. Now I have to cross a stream. The water is fairly deep. I look down and see that four men, each dressed the same and looking remarkably alike, are lying in the water. They form a log-like bridge for me to walk across. I don’t want to go near them, for I am aware that they are entities, but at the same time I know I must cross the stream.

“Come on,” they say, “cross over. You have to.”

“I don’t want to step on you,” I say, concerned. “I’ll hurt you.”

“No you won’t,” they say. “Just do it!”

And so I do. I run as fast and as lightly as possible, still worried, however, that I might hurt them or that I might be infected by their energy. As soon as I get to the other side of the stream they immediately hop out of the water and surround me, standing in the four directions—North, South, East and West—facing me.

“I don’t want entities attached to me,” I boldly say.

“You need us,” they say. “You have to encounter us and you have to engage us. We are your entities, and you can’t get away from the fact that we exist.”

“You won’t advance until you accept us,” they say. “You won’t get anywhere without us.”

Like water I intend to keep flowing… - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Like water I intend to keep flowing…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

I know I must acquiesce, for I know the truth of what they say. I am fully aware that everything that is placed before me must be encountered and dealt with, that indeed, I need it in order to advance. I am aware, as I dream, that these four beings will be with me now, my very own entities. I am aware that I must learn about them, who they are and how they operate. I must befriend them and make them my allies, as don Juan Matus discussed with Carlos Castaneda. I must utilize them to my advantage.

I am struck, as I awaken from this dream, how my intent to avoid contact with outside energy—both in my yoga class and in my dream—has resulted in my being presented with exactly what I was trying to avoid. There is great meaning in that. I am also struck by the fact that my entities, inorganic beings, as the Shamans of Ancient Mexico call them, all look exactly alike. And why are there four of them? I surmise that this is part of their teaching methods, tricksters that they are. I expect to be fooled by them until I no longer need to be.

Carlos Castaneda, in The Art of Dreaming, describes his own encounters with inorganic beings. Don Juan tells him he must make friends with them. “They have singled you out themselves,” don Juan says. “When they do that, it means that they seek an association. I’ve mentioned to you that sorceress form bonds of friendship with them.”

Don Juan goes on to explain that a friendship “consists of a mutual exchange of energy. The inorganic beings supply their high awareness, and sorcerers supply their heightened awareness and high energy. The positive result is an even exchange. The negative one is dependency on both sides.”

I am already aware of this exchange of energy. In fact, as I mentioned, I was not interested in engaging in such an exchange. In fact, I have always sought to avoid it. But now I understand that my inorganic beings have come to help me. If I am to advance, I know I must engage them. But I also fully intend to not become dependent. Even in my dream, I was aware that our association will be temporary, only as long as is necessary. I don’t know if that’s possible, or how it will come about, but that is my intent, for I fully anticipate moving on, advancing, which they also implied would happen if I engaged them. But perhaps they were only tricking me. I’ll have to wait to find out!

Watery beings are given more to excesses,” don Juan tells Carlos, as he explains the two kinds of inorganic beings, water and fire. “The old sorcerers believed that they were more loving, more capable of imitating, or perhaps even having feelings. As opposed to fiery ones, who were thought to be more serious, more contained than the others, but also more pompous.”

From this description, I know that my four inorganic beings are water energy. This makes perfect sense to me, as I am a water sign, and because my own energy has always been watery, flowing for the most part, just like I did in my dream as I flowed out of the gallery. But water, though capable of gently simmering, is also capable of great force and power. And so I am both cautious and intrigued.

What does your inorganic being look and feel like? You never know!- Photo by Jan Ketchel
What does your inorganic being look and feel like?
You never know!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

When Carlos asks the meaning of his own two entities, don Juan replies: “The meaning is too vast to discuss at this time. My recommendation is that you vanquish fear from your dreams and from your life, in order to safeguard your unity.” He tells him that he himself refused the inorganic beings, because he did not want to be at the mercy of any entity, organic or inorganic. He tells Carlos that his inorganic being wants his energy and he warns: “It will come to you for more.”

From this exchange, I intuit the necessity of remaining independent, to maintain my unity, my wholeness. But I must also learn how best to use these four watery energies for my advancement. The fact that they all look alike, capable of imitating, as don Juan tells Carlos, is going to be quite a challenge. I see that already. In fact, i believe they entered the yoga studio, invited in by my first challenge, my intent to avoid them. They saw an opening and they took it. “Be extremely careful,” don Juan tells Carlos, and that is exactly what I intend to be: Extremely careful!

Alert to what may come next,

Quotes from: The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda, pp 52-55.

Readers of Infinity: Something Different

Here is the channeled message from Jeanne, beginning a week that she indicates is set to be full of surprises, if we are alert and open. Good Luck!

Changing time. Drying calendula and marigolds, at one season's end… But another's beginning… Photo by Jan Ketchel
Changing time.
Drying calendula and marigolds, at one season’s end…
But another’s beginning…
Photo by Jan Ketchel

Progress must become a key word in your work, progress toward an evolving self being of the utmost importance. Please note that progress can only be achieved as you allow the self to change, to accept that you may not always have all the answers, and as you soften and allow new ideas to seep into your awareness and offer something different.

As the world shifts into a new phase this week, allow the self to experience something different. This can be a deliberate decision on your part to act, partake, or be involved in something new, or it can be a subtle intent to be open to that which comes to you unbidden.

In being open, one must learn to relax the body and mind. One must release the self of the normal judgments, the habitual thoughts and behaviors that one automatically engages in without thought or discrimination. One must stop the rote activities of living and live with greater awareness. Even the slightest intent to be alert may be enough to open the self to greater awareness of how you think, act, and react. When the old self calls out, asking for things to stay the same, turn away from that old self and look in a new, different direction. With open heart ask the self to trust the universe for a change, to trust that life itself has enough to offer you to guide you along. And then see what happens.

See what pops up in your life to show you the new direction you must take. It may be a subtle suggestion, a hint of something new, or it may be a hard knock over the head. But all of you, if you are to take advantage of the new time of renewed energy and spirited evolution, must be open—and being consciously open and expectant helps a great deal.

Awareness that a shift is already in action will, I hope, aid you in your endeavors. All you need is one tiny suggestion of hope and change, of shift in energy, and you could be off and running.

Let the energy of now guide you. Be open with discernment, knowing your heart’s true intent. For if you skip that part of who you are, your endeavors will be futile. This is not a time for foolish ignorance, nor hasty leaping, but a deepening of your innermost process in a flowing manner that is right, that is gentle, loving and kind to the self and others.

I am asking all of you to let your hearts guide you now, to really listen and pay attention to that which is truly right for you, at the deepest level. Who are you? Perhaps that is the first question to ask as you begin your entry into the energy of now. Who are you really? What do you most desire—in alignment with that true self—for yourself, in your evolving life? Begin there.

Be soft and open. Greet the day with gentle breaths, and then wait and see what comes.

A Day in a Life: Inward Turning Time

It's dark in the evenings now, time to go inward… - Photo by Jan Ketchel
It’s dark in the evenings now, time to go inward…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The first deep frost has come. The last flowers that had been staunchly holding on, that had still brightened the garden, have lost their energy. They are wilted and browning, their stems dipping to the ground. Time to trim back and prepare the beds for next spring. Time to prepare for winter.

This is inward turning time. Usually I look forward to it, but this year I sense a sadness that I haven’t experienced before. Maybe because the fall has been long and mild, the days sunny for the most part, the nights cool, but still warm enough to keep a window open in the bedroom. I like listening to the sounds of the night, the coyotes, foxes and owls, the animals that scurry past the house in the night. One night we heard something chewing voraciously at a large cardboard box we had stowed beneath the deck. Soon after we discovered that a hole had been chewed into the side of it and that a nest of bees had taken up residence. The animal we’d heard, probably a opossum, had gone after the bees.

Another night we heard a cat being attacked, fighting wildly for its life. We could barely stand the excruciating sounds of its cries. We thought of going out and yelling, of scaring off the predator, but knew that it was not right, was not in alignment with nature. One animal eats another. It happens all the time. Look at us humans, we do the same. None of it is pleasant to ponder, especially when you actually hear death approaching, when you hear the last cries coming from the strangled animal’s throat, but death is a fact of life. Winter closing in is a fact of life too.

And so I face the inevitability, making the final preparations for its coming. I accept that I must be in alignment with nature; I can’t escape the truth of winter! I can’t imagine shoveling snow just yet, but the snow shovels are ready. The snow blower has been cleaned of the acorns stored in it by mice in the shed. The leaves are being raked and mulched, the wood and pellet stoves already in use and the daily hauling of logs and pellets begun.

With the end of daylight savings time—which I hate, by the way, as it interrupts the flow of spring’s awakening each year, forcing us out of a most natural alignment with nature—fall ends. The darkness, which we had been staving off is really here now. We noticed immediately how natural it felt to be back on nature’s time, the extra hour of sleep readjusting our inner clocks to nature’s clock, the only clock that we should be attentive to. We once spent time on an island, away from civilization, the lone inhabitants. We naturally lived by the rising and setting sun, and it felt so right. Without the constraints of the world, it’s easy to live that way, but I feel compelled to live in alignment with nature as much as possible, and so I am paying particular attention to this time of year now, especially as I’ve felt such resistance to it this year.

The outdoor chairs are abandoned for the warm fire... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
The outdoor chairs are abandoned for the warm fire…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In stark contrast to evenings spent on the deck, we’ve had to be inside now, before the fire or at the dinner table. Rather than watching the sunset, feeling its last warm rays, or taking a walk on a warm evening, we must adjust our habits. It’s a good time to make some changes, to prepare to face this winter differently from other years. It’s a good time to take up those creative endeavors, or those things we’ve been meaning to do, but just haven’t gotten to yet.

In inward turning time we can turn even deeper inward, as well, into ourselves. We can opt to study ourselves and our behaviors on a deeper level, asking ourselves to make some beneficial changes, whether in diet, sleep patterns, exercise, or at the deepest inner level, in how we act and react, how we behave and how we expect others to behave towards us. We can confront our projections and ask ourselves to be responsible for ourselves in a new way. We can go inward and ask ourselves to change something that needs changing and give ourselves the task, this winter, to finally make it happen.

It’s a good time of year to let the changes happen that have been brewing for a long time, to acquiesce to the inevitability of life moving on, of life in constant flux, just as nature does. As I listen to the cries that come from outside during the night—the owl catching a meal, the coyote on the scent—I must keep myself as alive and hungry as those creatures of nature do. I must remain alert and aware, always on the lookout for where my spirit wants to go, to where my inner world is pointing me.

I must not fall into slumber or into the complacency of the season, into the routine of holidays and events as usual. It’s time to do it differently, because the entire world is doing it differently now, the seasons have changed! And so should we!

Heading into winter with awareness,

Readers of Infinity: Inner Revolution = Outer Evolution

Here is today’s channeled message from Jeanne. May you all have a great week!

You never know what might be waiting for you just over the horizon! - Photo by Jan Ketchel
You never know what might be waiting for you just over the horizon!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

My Dear Ones, look not outside of yourselves for the answers, but look only inward. Your issues and desires reside inside you. To confront and resolve them will only be achieved in inward turning. Face your fears and your joys alike by allowing the self full access to the truths that you keep even from yourself.

It’s perfectly okay to admit your fears and your desires to the self, to accept them, but the way to evolve is to transform them into a new kind of freedom that will carry you forward. Fears and desires hold you back, keep you bound to habits, behaviors, and routines that in the long run are not beneficial. Yes, many behaviors are stabilizing—they keep you rooted and functional—but I am talking not only of evolving in your everyday world, but of evolving in your inner world as well.

Inner world evolution involves an inner world revolution, and you are the only one who can instigate such a revolution. You are the only one who knows your deepest issues, or you will soon enough if you take back your projections, your fears, anxiety, your desires and competitiveness, and go into your inner world and face just why you are the way you are.

Who do you truly wish to be? Can you allow yourself to be the calm and easygoing, grounded person you know you have the potential to become? Inner revolution involves inner confrontation, but evolution involves acquiescence to truth, to life, and to possibility.

Be open and daring with the self. Do not be afraid of what others might think, but do your inner work—your private work on the self—as often as possible. Accept who you are. Release old ideas of the self gradually as you allow your true self to fill the void. It’s a natural process, for, as you make room inside, your natural self will automatically find its way into your inner world and then into your outer world.

Set the intent to revolutionize! There is no greater task, no grander life, no more fulfilling purpose, for all things will resolve as you resolve the inner you!