All posts by Jan

Soulbyte for Monday September 15, 2014

Fear not the journey, neither the past nor the future, but live each day with awareness. Trust your process. It is leading you where you need to go. Embrace it fully. Live conscious lives. Look for meaning. Accept what comes.

Every day is a new gift. Open to it with full participation knowing that just as you await it so does it await you with open arms, joyous and full of anticipation. Greet each day equally so and your journey will be fulfilling.

Soulbyte for Saturday September 13, 2014

As above so below. As within so without.

Watch what you think. Watch what you say. Watch what you feel. Listen to your body. Sit in stillness. Let all projections melt away, all your enemies dissolve, all your emotions release to the air as you breathe and allow your spirit to enter you and reside in you today, freed of all that normally plagues you.

Reflect peace. Reflect calmness. Reflect compassion. Reflect loving kindness from the emptiness of self in deep contemplation and quiet. As above so below. As within so without.

Message from Jeanne: Let Your Heart Bloom

May you allow your heart to open like a flower today... -Photo by Jan Ketchel
May you allow your heart to open like a flower today…
-Photo by Jan Ketchel

In her blog on August 27, 2014, The Rails of Routine, Jan wrote that we would be taking a different approach to our blogging schedule, posting when inspired rather than on a set schedule. Jan was inspired today to channel a message. Here it is. May it guide you over the next few days. We send you all wishes for a great weekend!