Soulbyte for Friday November 30, 2018

Have patience as you move forward into new life. Have patience, even as you set your intent and align with your spirit. Have patience with the unfolding of things, for all things will unfold as they will. Though you are determined, there is no predicting what will happen to move you along. All things have a will of their own, just as you do. This includes your spirit, who is behind you, backing up your choices or redirecting you in new directions, so be sure to pause and ask, “Is this also your will? Am I getting it right?” And wait patiently for an answer. As sure as the sun rises every morning you will get an answer and no matter what it is, to your liking or not, abide by it. Assign patience to your journey and you will travel in good company, and your journey, though it may be long and winding, will indeed be fulfilling and your satisfaction will know no bounds.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday November 29, 2018

Remember, you can always change your mind—if something turns out not to be in alignment with your soul, if something is not the path of heart you thought it was, if something breeds not contentment but only derisiveness and discontent. Remember, you have the power of choice, the power of dissent, the power of change within you. If life is not presenting you with loving kindness, create it. If life is not a bed of roses, plant some for yourself. If you are caught or stuck, grab a shovel and dig yourself free. You have the power of your own spirit’s intent within you. Get back into alignment with it and use it to power you onward. Do something positive for yourself today. With loving kindness of course!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: No Worry

Let go into the expansive energy of no worry…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

My observation, over many years, is that each day brings its own wave of energy that manifests and reflects at different levels of intensity in all beings. In my therapy practice, the theme of my first encounter of the day is very often the theme presented by many clients that day. Even the words used to describe experiences similarly resonate throughout the day.

Personally, I notice that my encounters in dreaming from the prior night, as well as the books I open to in the morning, or Jan’s hot off the press channeling, already announce the contours of that energy wave as it splashes upon the doorstep of oncoming time. Worry issues forth from anticipation and manifests in concerned projections upon possible outcomes of the impact of that wave.

The fact is that that daily energetic wave will run through all of us. The fact is that somewhere in the world that wave may crest in a fatality today. This will be a major transitional moment for someone. We all have that ultimate appointment with death, but we needn’t treat all moments of life in human form with the adrenaline rush of Russian roulette.

Yes, when a person leaves my home, setting off on a long drive, anything might happen beyond the security of the departing moment. My intent is always that all will be safe. My experience teaches me that if something could or should be known it will reveal itself, inwardly or outwardly, in direct terms. If nothing is directly revealed, all will either flow smoothly or it will be someone’s destiny to encounter a rougher wave. Worry, however futile, offers to step in, to somehow fill the void of unknowing, to somehow protect.

Worry presents as the great conjurer of many a possible story. Worry scoops up the lion’s share of our energy, which it then formats into a speculative reality that our bodies are then forced to live, biochemically, as the playing field for its virtual fantasy. We experience this as stress, anxiety, fear, and dread. Our muscles clench, our breathing becomes shallow and infrequent. Our eyes become dazed and glazed, as they turn inward to view some variation of the conjurer’s horror show.

Perhaps hours later, the text arrives: “We are home safe”. Now we can relax, all is well. But what if instead we send them off with loving safe intent and refuse the conjurer’s call to worry? This is the beginning of a shamanic journey.

Without worry, we are ushered into a vast emptiness, filled with cascades of available energy. The psychic structures that worry generates, which typically populate every nook and cranny of life, suddenly evaporate, and we are delivered to the void, where all of those usual conjurings of the worrying mind slip away.

Do I look OK? Did I eat the right thing? Is my weight noticeable? Is it my fault? Is he angry at me? Did I look foolish? Is she OK? Will I meet the right person? Are they angry with me? Is everyone safe? Is it going to work out for them? Should I have done more? What if something happens? Am I good enough? Am I too old? Am I losing it? Did I make a mistake? What if I lose my job? Did I turn off the stove? Will I ever be good enough? …………..?…………..?…………….?…………..?

In the vast emptiness of no worry we enter inner silence. Tension in the body releases as the breath expands. We experience deepening relaxation, perhaps for the first time, at a level so free we may fear its expansiveness. Worry immediately offers its services once again, to create tense boundaries around ourselves. Refuse that call! Stay with the mantra: no worry.

Retrieve and bathe in the boundless energy previously expended on the stories and structures of worry. Make that energy available for new possibilities of life and fulfillment. Protect that energy with a no worry wall that encases your being. I am a being of no worry.

Make no worry a succinct command from consciousness to the subconscious, that part of the soul that automatically controls our attitudes and habits. State it often, as a firm clear intent: Don’t worry. Know that the instruction is heard and that the repetition of it will result in its manifestation. Do not attach to when, nor be discouraged. Simply persevere in stating the intent.

No worry,


Soulbyte for Wednesday November 28, 2018

Find your path, your spiritual intent, and stick to it, but do not be afraid to explore beyond it, for when on a spiritual journey it is important to be open and expectant, to experience new things. For it is only in having experiences that one truly learns and truly knows something. A decision to follow a certain path does not make one an expert. Only experience allows one knowledge, and knowledge gained eventually leads to wisdom. This is true in all walks of life. Seek experience, be open to experience, let experiences come to you and then decide if they are right for you and your spirit to engage in. Some will be right, some will not be right. You decide. But whatever you decide you will learn something of value, and that is what having an experience is all about.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 27, 2018

Be as one rather than divided. Be as one within the self as well as within nature. As you breathe, imagine yourself as the air entering you and as you exhale imagine yourself entering the world around you in peaceful loving spirit breath. In spirit you exist as energy and that energy can be anywhere and do anything at any time. Allow your spirit energy its freedom in every breath you take, breathing loving kindness within and without. Be as one in your spirit breath and be at peace knowing that you are a part of it all, mixing in the Great Universe with all other spirit beings of like mindedness, creating a new Greater Universe of peace and loving kindness for all in every breath you take. Just breathe.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne