A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: What Is The Right Fight?


Love yourself and all of your angels and demons too! - Photo by Chuck Ketchel
Love yourself and all of your angels and demons too!
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

Today’s audio channeling poses some good questions as we deal with what needs attention within and without. Where should your focus go? Only you know. Perhaps today’s Soulbyte and this channeled message will help you sort through what is important at this moment in your life.

Have a wonderful and peaceful week.

Soulbyte for Monday February 29, 2016

Some days it is best to just be. In fact, that is the ultimate goal, to just be, putting into practice the art of letting go. You work so hard at finding the true Self, but sometimes it’s a good idea to pause and just be. To “just be” is to be in the moment, unattached to anything, without desire or want, simply present in what is, who you are in the moment, and aware of it! “Just be” today. Without trying, relax and just be.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Sunday February 28, 2016

Know yourself as a being of inner deepness and integrity, as well as a being capable of external power and force. Both of these aspects, the inner contemplative self and the outer self of action, are important components of life. To neglect one is to neglect the other. To pay too much attention to one over the other is to be a one-sided being. Yet, the truth is, you are a multi-sided, multi-dimensional being who seeks knowledge of and balance of all aspects of self.

Find out who you are in both your inner world and your outer world by being as deep as you can be as well as by being as fully present as you can be, in balance and alignment with what is right for your life and the times you live in. If you are honest with self and other, and strive always to do what is good and right, balance and alignment will meet you and join you in your efforts to achieve harmony and a life of meaning. Don’t give up!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Saturday February 27, 2016

You can’t rescue anyone. You can only rescue yourself. By your actions you precipitate change within that will be received without. Your changing self desires this change. Stick with it. You will not regret it. Though this time may be difficult it is also crucial. Turn in a new direction in each moment if that be necessary and be grateful for this moment, for it is this moment that counts the most. It is this moment alone that matters.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 26, 2016

Your thoughts create you. Your anger creates you. Your feelings create  you. Your actions create you. Is that who you really are? Take time to contemplate, to discover the other you, the one longing to emerge, to be born, reborn, brought into life, perhaps for the very first time. It’s not that hard. You just have to surrender to all that is, to all that is waiting to receive you. Welcome!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne