Soulbyte for Friday December 26, 2014

Notice your feet today. Feel them on the earth, grounding you, your connection to the vibrations of life on that plane. Notice the beating of your heart, your connection to the vibrations of spirit. These energetic connections are brought together in your physical body. Notice them, connect with them, attend to them, value them, but also use them to guide you. Go where it feels right, where your vibrations resonate. Do what feels right. Speak what is right, eat what is right, taking into consideration the cultivation of earth and spirit from all angles, seeking resonance within and without. This is the next step and the next phase of your journey.

Remain connected to body and spirit, to earth and heaven, creating good vibrations from within the self that resonate good vibrations without, into the world around you. This is how you contribute to a changing world energy—with your own good vibrations!

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 25, 2014

Make this day be every day, in the tenderness in your heart, in your compassion for others, in your ability to give and receive, symbolic of what it means to be a human being on a spiritual journey. Absent of religion this day represents a spark of hope, so make an effort to extend your good wishes beyond just this day. As you seek balance remember that what this day represents must become part of the balance so that all days are special and yet so that no one day is more special than another, yet all are meaningful and important. Remain steady on your path of heart all days of your life and good tidings will flow upon you and into your heart.

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 24, 2014

Move always onward, taking what you have learned forward with you, allowing it to guide and direct you. Assimilate your lessons and with compassion for self and other become a journeyer, moving onward without regret or anger. Allow yourself the luxury of the spiritual path, seeking always the embodiment of the true self, of your wholeness, heaven and earth combined within the one being that you are.

In times of turmoil or strife, your focus on maintaining balanced spiritual wholeness will guide and instruct. Even if you are uncertain, look always inward and the answers will be found. In balance will earth become solid and clear and heaven become open and abundant. This is what you seek, the magic of both worlds experienced simultaneously. It is not a path for the weak of heart, but it is a path for everyone, that everyone has access to. The choice is yours. To take the real journey that awaits is to choose the path between heaven and earth. It lies waiting for all to find and to walk upon. Are you ready?

Soulbyte for December 23, 2014

Watch your thoughts; they can trap you into thinking what you should not. They can keep you attached to old ideas of self and others. They can control, prohibit, and inhibit you to the point where you are closed off and unavailable to participate in and enjoy life.

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but how can you be jolly when you are so disturbed, so sad, so desirous of that which you do not have. Look upon all that inhibits you as mere fluff, thoughts that are meaningless. Try letting them go and see what happens.

With empty mind you might discover the bliss of pure being. And for all it’s worth, in that moment of bliss of pure being, even if it only lasts for a moment at a time, is a moment when you touch the divine. All of this within the self! See what riches lie within?