#412 The Chariots of Progress

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Today, I would like to ask you to give us some general guidance. I understand that, as you said the other day, a shift has taken place and our challenge is to allow ourselves the opportunity to change and shift as well. Can you expand on your offerings of guidance around this theme of shift?

I am pleased to announce that not only is this a time of shift, but also of great significance. Your decisions and plans made now, during this time of energetic significance, will be with you for a long time to come, carrying with them much good and positive energy that will be available to you in your future, as regards those decisions and plans. Even those of you who do not necessarily have huge moments of significance right now, will find that the experiences of this time will later reveal themselves to be carrying more weight than you can imagine.

By this, I mean that the energy now present upon that earth carries with it major potential, being stored even now for future use, when needed, but also when appropriate. You may not be aware of its full utilization or appearance in your lives, but it will be available to you in the future.

Decisions made now, both personal and communal, and those made by world leaders, new and old, carry you into a new century of change, development, understanding, and significant growth. On a personal level, you can look forward to an easier time as you meet your challenges and confront your issues. Things that have blocked and held you back will now release and flow with greater force and ease. You will notice less resistance.

Your unconscious self remains aware of the shift, though you may lose contact with it as you go about your life. You will see change in the world around you now, in the people around you, and in the general atmosphere of how people act, react, and proceed in their lives. Governments now determine that real change can only happen by the past being severed and new determinants being implemented, altering not only the course of conflicts, but also shifting the future potential of all nations to a more humanitarian, tolerant appreciation and understanding of the world, as a diverse and enthusiastic melting pot where all hold valid ideas. Prospects for change are worldwide, not restricted to an elite few.

The tumbling of the world will continue on many levels, as the old structures will submit to the shake up caused by this time of significant shift. You will begin to see the knocking down of ego driven and greedy leaders, as they no longer find support, nor underlying complacency among their people keeping them in power. The truth seekers will now begin to speak up, unafraid, for they are carried forth by this outer powerful energy that will not sit quietly upon their hearts or tongues, but urges the good ones to come forth now, more forcefully, with spirit and truth guiding them. Honesty and forthright truthfulness now pull ahead to lead the chariots of progress upon the surface of that world stage.

Your drivers are spirit driven, but that does not mean everything will be taken care of for you. You are all responsible. This time of significance will only truly blossom if all of you upon that earth wake up to the underlying truth that you are all evolving beings, comprised of energy, without differences, without confusing agendas. Simply put: you are all the same. This truth you must activate within the self, allowing it to flow out of you too. Many upon that earth have already reached such a conclusion. Many are fully aware that significant change can only happen with this awareness first and foremost, the prime picture placed before the world’s eyes. A new vision of sharing, of energetic giving, of spiritual exchange must now be enacted in order for the new world to emerge from the remains of the tumbled structures of old.

Your own awareness must remain alert to the changes in the outer world. Your reactions to these changes must remain focused on returning dignity, with the ability to live truthful lives, free of oppression and depression, and encouraging hope-filled lives of spiritual significance now in all who reside upon that earth.

I do not speak of formal religious instruction or domination. I do not speak of any domination, or take over, or oppression of one over another. I speak of wide open acceptance of all differences, as totally revealing as no differences whatsoever. I speak of the veils lifting and each of you seeing that you have nothing to hide, nothing to fear, nothing to run from, for all of you are being exposed for what you truly are: the same. You are all energy; energetic beings comprised of complicated lives, with the same goals and the same evolutionary potential for caring compassionate universal love, trust, and the desire to evolve.

I conclude with offering you this as well: your time upon that earth is significant. Do not doubt that you are alive now for a reason that has to do with universal principles of change. Your world is personal, and your personal inner work, your introspective discovering of who you are, is totally necessary. Yet are you also attuned to the fact that all of you upon that earth are interconnected. This is an awareness that has not previously been fully acknowledged or allowed to be acceptable. This is your first challenge beyond your own inner work, to utilize this awareness of interconnectedness in your daily lives, expanding awareness of it. You are all responsible for this. This can be done by using your intent, as we have spoken of before, to enact positive universal change for truth and good to now take over and lead the chariots of justice and humane caring, connecting all of you upon that earth with a world wide web of a different fiber, the invisible fiber of energy.

Accept your place in that world, My Dears. Get out of your musty beds of despair and complacency and use your energy to excavate the truth of your own energy. It is powerful and significant. Allow it to be revealed to you in its fullness, but also in its interconnectedness. Use it for good, for your self and others.

Intend change. This is the time for it. Your are there during this time because your contributions are desired, necessary, and powerful. Contribute to the world. Use your energy to dismantle the old and build a new world, with energetic intent, acceptance, and truthfulness as the base.

#411 Turning Point or Turmoil?

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
Wow, I must say, the energy has been quite erratic, sometimes incredibly intense, then quiet, but still with a noticeable undercurrent. At least, that is what I have been experiencing. Can you offer us some guidance for the coming week?

Do not thwart your progress with attachment to the outside energy. Yes, it will come rattling your doors and windows, seeking entry, knocking, asking for a place to stay, but do not admit it. Allow it to swirl past you, going on its merry way. For in reality, though it may pressure you, so does it not seek you specifically, but any energy that is available will do.

That being said, it is your challenge during such times of turbulence, such times of high and low energy, to remain focused upon your course. This requires awareness of the possibility that energetic confusion may usurp your usual balanced calm. This requires also the ability to detach from the dramas being played out, the circumstances presented by the big babies in your life, and the neediness of those around you. Awareness of these things, and the ability to detach from them, are also meant for the self. For even though you may wish to regard the outer energy, and others around you, as the culprits, so are you always being presented with some aspect of the self that seeks attention.

Perhaps it is merely an opportunity to test your balance and your ability to remain calm, no matter what approaches. Your awareness and ability to understand very clearly what your place is are also perhaps being tested. Perhaps you are being asked to go deeper inside your self, as this outer energy pounds at you, to investigate the inner child self. Or perhaps you are being shown an example of energetic intent and how it does not select you, but you select to attach to it, for it is your choice.

The consequences of electing to attach your energy to an intent then becomes your test and challenge, as you feel how powerful an attachment to energy is and becomes. When I recently spoke about using your intent to advocate or precipitate an event, so did I speak of you being the instigator. But now must you also be aware that intent proposed from outside of you is seeking attachment at all times. Even as your own power of intent has affect, so does that of others have affect on you.

Your choice is whether or not to engage it; whether spending your energy in such areas may be harmful to you, or deeply engaging and meaningful. This is where your awareness of self and how you wish to conduct your energy is most necessary. I suggest that you always weigh the use of your energy. Is this a good place to spend it? Is it right for me to do this? What am I doing by giving energy? Is it positive, helpful, meaningful; or is it unnecessary? Is it better to remain detached, holding it in reserve for a time when I feel is more appropriate?

Many times, energetic intent is for purposes of good and it feels proper and important to respond to requests for energetic involvement. Other times, the request for energetic involvement is going to present you with a huge drain that will not refuel you, or offer you anything in return, including a positive sense that you gave your energy properly or wisely?

Be aware that this time, now, includes a turning point. A tipping point has occurred. Now the energy requires that you notice its availability to aid you as you go in a new direction. But your choice becomes: how will I use the energy that is now presented? It is not necessarily quiet and easily flowing. As you mentioned, it is quite lively. When it is in this state of choppiness, so is it asking for you to remain alert to what it is doing. Is it important for you to engage in some form of energetic intent outside of you now? Or is it more important to go innerly and engage in energetic intent there? Both questions are valid, and both uses are valid, depending on where you are. Your desire to challenge your self may also be a factor. Your awareness, however, is key, as you ask your self questions regarding what the energy is asking of you. Do you see? This is a two-sided process.

Yes, there is plenty of energy to attach to. There are plenty of occasions for you to give of your energy. But whether it is right, or wrong, is up to you. Are you going to go with the turning point energy, or the turmoil energy?

This is a time of great introspection and choice, in spite of the energetic, magnetic pull that you feel. Awareness, balance, inner questioning, and the ability to think quickly and clearly are your best sidekicks now. You will be offered many opportunities to utilize your own energy. But propose to your self that you use it with proper intent, for that which is most meaningful to you. The realization that you are in complete control of how you use this most powerful aspect of self, will help you maintain your balance. You have a most powerful ally in your own energy. As you go into this week of turning but tumbling energy, keep your focus on your own energy and how you will spend it.

Is your energy tank full or depleted? How will you decide to keep it at maximum capacity, if it is full? How will you constantly regenerate it? Or, how will you replenish it, if it has seeped out into the world, been energetically drained? How will you protect it so that you are energetically available for what is right, meaningful, growth-oriented, and resonant with you?