Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a message for us all today?
There is a new calmness of energy now circulating as truths have been revealed and clarity gained. Do not hesitate to embrace this energy of calm certainty. With this crystal clear knowledge of past, present, and future, make your way forward now, with your heart-centered intent, and your firm convictions to remain always on the path of truth, to continue guiding you.
Forward movement is essential in order for life upon that earth to be maintained with some recognizable and familiar sense of now. But now is already over, completed, and done, and a new moment has already arrived. I mean this literally, and metaphorically. Life is momentary, and in each moment is there completion and possibility, a door closes, and another opens. But as each door closes, do not carry forth regrets or compromise, but take only truths, and the clarity that you now gain, to turn forward with eyes bright and clear so that you may live differently now. Each moment, is this opportunity presented. Each new moment brings another opportunity to change and to take your truths forward with you.
Use your truths to guide you. On a personal level, this may invite great change. On an energetic level, this may push for acceptance of a changed world; even as you are given the truths of existence of life around you now, do not brush them away, but take in these truths so that you may act on them. There are many truth speakers now upon that earth, speaking only truths. The old ways no longer are acceptable, for once clarity is gained will the old ways no longer be available, nor will they be viable.
Old worlds are collapsing moment by moment. The energy of change now invites truth to be the guide in all walks of life, in all worlds, in all countries, in all aspects of life. Truth is the only fuel any of you need now to propel you forward. And it’s free; you just have to accept it!
Your own world, your very personal and individual world, offers you this free fuel. It will take you places you cannot even imagine, and you don’t have to go anywhere to find it, except into your self. Free fuel for the journey ahead is waiting inside each of you.
As the world continues to ask for change, as the very earth offers its final depletion, as the truths swirl all around you, shown and spoken and felt, go innerly and tap into the wells of truths deep inside your self. Open a channel to your inner reserves and allow your truths to flow out of you in abundance. They will never dry up. They are endless, connected to all other truths; and that is what this moment on earth desires of all of you now living upon its energetic plane, it invites interconnectedness with the truth of all things.
Seek this truth inside your self. Seek the plain and barren truth that boldly seeks you too, and allow that bold and barren truth to reveal that it is all the treasure you need to push you forward, into your next moment, so that change can happen. This is a time of great energetic change. Are you willing to embrace it? It is fueled by truth, love, and compassion. It’s all around you. Don’t you see it?